Chapter 17

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First of all I want to say thank you to the beautiful ladies who keep me company here at wattpad and brighten my day. I just want to express my gratitude to those reading and commenting, all of you! I think the comments are way better than the votes to be honest. So keep them coming. I have recently made some new friends that I would like you to check out. One of them is amberlove222 and the others are  laura_writes and Kill__The__DJ. I love their work so check it out if you are looking for something to read. Oh I almost forgot JenYarrington and allfourthemusic. I would also like to thank everyone who voted for the No control series by  scooby-snacks because not only her story is awesome, but she is also one of us ( full time mum, wife, housewife and a dedicated employee) and I love her. This is starting to sound like an acceptance speech so I'll stop now.


"I don't like lying to my brother Ella" Gemma said taking the hot tea from the tray I had just placed on the short wooden table in the corner of the café we had arranged to meet the previous night. When I saw her at the club I thought for sure Harry would put two and two together and things would be even weirder between us, not to mention that he would feel betrayed not only by me but from Jimmy as well regardless of what our motives were. So you can tell how relieved I was when Harry's drunken state helped me get away with it. When I got the chance I asked Gemma to meet the next day promising to explain and I did just that.

"Oh Ella...I can't thank you enough for what you did. You saved my little girl, I can't tell you..."

"I didn't do anything Gemma" I cut her off.

"I just contacted some people who were more than happy to help and have more money that they are able to spend so please don't feel like that" I took her hands in mine and squeezed them to reassure her that it wasn't a big deal and that we did what any decent human being would do.

"Still you cared enough to do that. I'd like to meet Chrys, too, if that's OK" she pleaded.

""Sure, she is the sweetest person, we would like to come and see Natalie whenever it's convenient for you" she was sitting on the armchair opposite me, her tea long forgotten on the table, her sparkling eyes observing me, thanking me.

"Of course, you can come whenever you want" she replied a dimpled smile appearing on her beautiful face reminding me of her brother and everything that went down the night before.

"I hope Harry wasn't a handful last night" she chuckled when she realized that my mind was drifting away.

"He was fine" I lied reminiscing taking him home with Jimmy as Gemma had to go home to her mom's who was babysitting Natalie and check up on her.

Harry was so wasted he kept laughing all night long while still downing shots with Sylvia. Ed was more than happy to oblige when asked to take Sylvia and Chrys home. Jimmy and I were given the duty of taking a stumbling, stuttering Harry to his bed and that proved to be quite the task.

"God I am going to beat the shit out of him tomorrow" Jimmy complained while we were trying to get him in his car. He couldn't talk or walk properly and we had to support him, me on his left and Jimmy on his right. Throughout the drive to his place I held a paper bag in front of him in case he felt sick but he would take it and breathe in and out and laugh, laugh so hard like it was the funniest thing in the world. When he finally let go of the paper bag he kept trying to kiss me, touch me and said incoherent things to me.

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