Chapter 29

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"Hey where are you going?" Harry asks grabbing my arm softly when he realizes that I am leaving.

"I need to go to class. Lesson starts in half an hour" I tell him as I adjust my bag on my shoulder. After our heated kiss outside we both seem calmer. I haven't said much since we came back in but I feel better, I know we need to talk about what I heard but now is not the time nor the place.

"OK" he huffs.

"OK" I reply as he stands up to hug me and kiss my forehead but I release him way too soon and I know he notices.

I thank Niall and kiss Sylvia on the cheek goodbye and I am on my way with Chrys and Ed following behind me.

I don't look back knowing he is watching me. The truth is I am confused by the whole thing and although kisses like that don't lie something is off.

Class is quite interesting talking about Event Management and the efficient use of media channels. It helps me escape my head and the negative thoughts running through it. Brenda is asking way too many questions, most of them already answered but her need to show off doesn't allow her to just shut up and listen, in love with her own voice that one. I am putting my notes away and look for my phone in my bag. Three texts, two from Ed and one from Harry.

Ed: I need a butter knife. This is the most boring lesson ever! I need to cut my veins and suffer a slow painful death. It will be better than this.

Ed: Before I die of boredom you think Chrys is really into me? Btw when I die my xbox goes to Jimmy and my Nirvana CD goes to you. Chrys will get my ashes in a vase and should scatter them in the valley of ...her breasts. Harry gets nothing. He is way too handsome.

Harry: Gone to bed. Early dinner at mine tonight. Be there at 6. Love you to the moon and back.

I smile reading all three and reply to Ed first.

You are such a drama queen and as for your second text you are asking the wrong person. Btw if you die I will get everything. Jimmy is shit at FiFa and a wuss at Call of duty.

I want to be there for him for this thing with Chrys but being friends with both of them I need to be extremely careful not betraying either's trust or meddling without even realizing. I should play the part of Switzerland and remain neutral. I contemplate answering Harry's. Although the offer is sweet and he seems regretful there is a hint of demand in his words which simply reminds me that Harry is so new to this relationship things and I should give him the benefit of the doubt.

See you at 6.

By five thirty I am ready to leave. I get my bag and keys and as I spray some perfume behind my ears and on my wrists I smile when I decide to spray some on my hair, too using Chry's secret weapon. Driving through the city I think about all the things Harry and I need to experience as a couple like long walks at the beach, romantic get-aways to the country side, cinema dates and lazy evenings eating junk food and watching rubbish TV. We have all the time in the world to discover each other, our quirks and kinks. I smile thinking about it and for the first time in three days I feel happy again. I choose to be happy and refuse to wallow in self pity.

I ring the doorbell, try to rid of any unwanted wrinkles on my clothes all worries pushed to the back of my mind. When he opens I feel that my heart has missed a beat. He is standing in front of me barefoot in a pair of dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt, his hair tied up in a bun his smile killing me softly (the fugees have nothing on him). The image reminds me of the first time I was here totally unaware that I'd stand here like this again but with a different title this time.

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