Chapter 6

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The cold drink makes my skin explode into goosebumps as I slowly turn to see what I already expected. A certain bitch grinning, sparkling white teeth at full display –obviously the result of a very expensive dentist-while my jumpsuit is soaked in the lemony alcoholic beverage.

"Stay away!" she says slowly gloating and I won't give her the pleasure of seeing me down. No sir!

"God now I get it!" I exclaim giving her the fakest smile of them all as I face her.

"What?" she says that damn triumphant look on her face pissing me the hell off.

"I guess Harry is indeed not into girls" I go on and she seems confused a bit but always victorious.

"He must be into older skanks, like yourself. So don't worry, I could never fill his standards if he has fucked you. I can't be desperate and vain. By the way your wedding ring looks nice" I say pointing at her huge rock that could literally blind you. "Resembles the one my mom has...maybe it was fashionable back in the day" I say and I know I have slain her. I squeeze the excess liquid from my destroyed outfit, take off my squishing shoes and walk away with the greatest smile I could possibly muster although deep down I picture myself ripping her fucking extensions one by one. Show class baby, show some class, I keep repeating in my head as I set out looking back only once to wave goodbye at her acting all cool and I catch her staring at me with her mouth open. Take that you stupid, stupid woman.

The minute I am out I am not that brave because I am freezing cold. Where the hell is Ed? I am so giving him a piece of my mind tomorrow. I hope he at least scored with blondie and that is why I am out here alone. Thankfully there are taxis lined up outside the club and I put my shoes back on before I signal to the first one to give me a lift. Once inside I text Ed to let him know I'm going home and within a few minutes I'm in my flat patting Chrys gently on the back to wake her up and send her to bed. She has fallen asleep in front of the telly and she is a bit startled at first but then she wraps the blanket around her and moves to her room without uttering a single word. I am so angry I haven't videoed that to upload it on youtube. It would have been priceless...damn it!

After I lock the front door, I take off my clothes and get in the shower when I hear a text coming in. Fifteen minutes later I am ready for bed and I take a look at my phone. There are two texts.

Gingerhead: Sorry El. I am at a friend's house. Call tomorrow.

Way to go Ed. Fucking finally.

Harry: Are you up? I am so sorry about before. Please call me.

Call him? Whatever for? He isn't to blame for what had happened. Maybe he is to blame a little for sleeping with married psychos but it is what it is. God I am beat. I will call him tomorrow, make him sweat a bit.


"Hello" I say trying not to sound sleepy although the ringing of the annoying device startled me almost to death.


"Who is this?" I say rubbing my eyes. I just answered without looking at the screen first so.

"It's Harry. Did I wake you up?" he chuckles.

"No, no. Yes you did" I finally admit in giggles.

" I did, didn't I? I am sorry" he says but he isn't. He is amused.

"That's OK. What time is it anyway?" I ask turning to my left wrapping my free hand around my favourite pillow, I seriously cannot open my eyes.


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