Chapter 47

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I have always loved colour at weddings. I wasn't keen on all white themes, they seemed a bit lifeless and unnatural to me. So the vibrant yet subtle colours of the bouquet I am holding reflects the joy I am feeling inside.

The room is full of loved ones, good friends and relatives, people whose aura and positive vibes could only contribute to the loving atmosphere. The church is decorated with beautiful arrangements, candles and chiffons, warm smiles and gentle chatter bringing a sense of euphoria in my heart who is beating frantically. I spot Sylvia first wearing a silver mini piece quite edgy and way too sexy for the occasion but totally her. Her date in a baby pink dress, more conservative but still chic looks at her adoringly. Chrys and Ed are sitting together next to Chrys's parents both looking incredible in their matching outfits holding hands the whole time. On my right Niall and Gemma with Natalie by their side. Niall smiles at me and then looks back to Gemma putting his hand on her bump caressing it. She is starting to show and she looks fantastic in her beige laced dress, her hair down in waves, her dimples in full show. My eyes travel further and Chase waves at me as if we are five and a small laugh escapes my lips and I wave back weakly. His girlfriend fixes his shirt and looks at him like he is the end and the beginning kind of how I look at Harry. They are sitting next to Liam and Nadine who look so bloody gorgeous it's unfair to mankind. On my left there's Annie and Tom and Kendall and more people from the club and then my brother and my parents all looking like they came out of a movie. And then I see him. His eyes sparkling gifting me his loveliest of smiles and for a second I lose sense of my surroundings. He is the only person there and he is mine. His hair-now quite short, don't get me started, I almost fainted when I first saw him with his beautiful luxurious curls gone- brushed back a bit revealing his delicate features, his defined jaw, his long delicious neck.

 His hair-now quite short, don't get me started, I almost fainted when I first saw him with his beautiful luxurious curls gone- brushed back a bit revealing his delicate features, his defined jaw, his long delicious neck

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He winks at me as I take my place and after the "I do"s are heard there is a loud cheer and an explosion of applause that fills my heart with joy and my eyes with tears of happiness.


"Attention please!" Harry demands as he reaches for the microphone putting the fork he used to clink on the champagne flute down.

"Attention please!" Harry demands as he reaches for the microphone putting the fork he used to clink on the champagne flute down

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