Innuendos (Sans' PoV)

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"Sh readers. It's chapter 69, so of course Meepaa had to put me as the main character." I wink towards the sky as I mutter under my breath. Frisk looks at me oddly but, as she knows about the Author, I doubt she gives a shit.

"Wait, so it's not my PoV?" She asks loudly, and I hush her.

"Nope. Mine. I think the author just wants to add some fun to the story. Finally. It was all serious, and I think we need some Bone action to lighten the mood." I wink again, this time at Frisk, who turns a delicious shade of red. Fuck. You pervs can read my thoughts. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. Nonononono.

This is gonna sound like some type of Fifty Shades of Sans, my thoughts are pervy, punny, and pterodactyl.

What the actual fuck?

Frisk and I stroll down the street towards our apartment, not like we have a choice because everything we do has pretty much been pre-written for us. Meh, you learn to accept it. I mean, the shit with Chara was a bit much, but GasterAuthor gets restless, Author doesn't like that side of herself. I'm not making much sense am I? Oh, wait, uh, the story!!

This chapter is called what? I don't know the chapter name, fuck. Uh, where are we? Wait. I get out my script and rifle through it.

Uh, sexual Chara, murder, lovey dovey stuff, moving singing chapter, oh.

Innuendos? Shit chapter name. What, just because it's chapter 69 and in my PoV? Naw I don't think so. I'm gonna make this chapter shatter the fourth wall.

Hey look, I saw a reader! They just walked past me! We have how many reads now? 20K? Wow. That's a lot of pervs. Go make your own story, out there, in the real world. Stop watching us 24/7.

Jeez, we're already at 313 words. Sigh. Fine, this is it. My chapter sucked. I know. Old Samsy-boi needs to work on his character building skills.

Sorry guys.

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