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I slash my knife towards the pesky monster in my way. For Fuck's sake. I had just exited Snowdin Town (population 0... thanks to me) when this annoying skeleton wearing a red scarf and cardboard armour popped out of the bushes brandishing a tiny glowing bone. Pathetic. He thought he could stop me.

I slash again, and he ducks just in time to miss my attack. Heh. I'm playing with him. Taunting him. He can't win. Just give up, I know I'll win. I'll gain more XP and piss off that Sans at the same time. Honestly, Papyrus is too annoying, I'm doing Sans a favour really.

Papyrus throws a glowing orange bone towards me and I swipe my knife forwards and cut it in half. Papyrus gasps. I grin and launch myself forwards, knife first.

The fool had no time to react.

I feel my knife lodge deep into bone and I smirk, and then feel my body go flying backwards. I glance around in panic and see Sans stood in front of Papy with a large cyan bone protecting them both. I narrow my eyes at the two short skeletons and reach into my SOUL. Using my black SOUL I blend into the fight screen and launch my knife towards Sans. The hilt hits his skull, knocking him out cold. Papy sniffles, tears running freely from his eye sockets. I exit the fight screen and step menacingly towards the younger skelebro.

I slice through his spine at the neck and watch as his skull topples onto the snow, his body disintegrating into dust. I stand above his skull, fear illuminating his eye sockets. Then my foot crunches down on him.

I pull his scarf from the dust, and wrap it around my neck, then pick up a handful of dust and scatter in all over Sans.

Let him suffer.

Just like me.

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