Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15: A shocking surprise.

Shinju's Pov

Two days.

Two days where I have done nothing than eat, sleep and recover. I haven't talked to the Akatsuki, only to Kabuto cause he's the only one who I respect the most. I'm not even talking to Madara, even when he's threatening on my life. And that's because I know that he needs me alive, so there's nothing to fear from there.

But sometimes, he put me under his Tsukuyomi, though not too long, cause then I would die. But it didn't matter. I still refused to talk to him.

I sit in a locked room, looking at the wall. I was still under the chakra seal jutsu, so I couldn't use my Parasific Insects. I'm pretty much useless, except for Kofura. That's the only reason as to why I was still alive. And kidnapped at the first place.

"Shinju, I'm going in now. Is it safe?" came Kabuto's voice from the other side of the door.

"Yes." I answered, without breaking eyes with the wall.

"I have Lord Madara with me." continued Kabuto's voice as I heard something click like metals and then something scratch against metal and turn.

"Tell him to stay outside the room. I don't want him anywhere near me." I spoke in my monotone voice, frowning more deeply than before.

"Sorry, Shinju." Kabuto said, walking into the room. "I can't order Lord Madara around, you know."

"I know. But still, he should know. I know he do, I told you to tell him several times."

"But you know," Madara said, walking into the room, doing the exact opposite of what I said. "I never listen to what people says. I'm my own lord, if you know what I mean. But I didn't came here to talk about my position and your lack of cooperation."

"Kabuto," I said, turning my head sideways to show that I talked to said person. "What did he said? I didn't quite catch it."

Kabuto sighed, knowing the routine. "He said he didn't came here to talk about his position and your lack of cooperation."

"I could careless about what he want with me." I told them nonchalantly.

"I came here to talk about your wealth." Madara said like he didn't sensed that I ignored him or talked down to him. I guess he had gotten used to it by now.

"Kabuto, was there something else you wanted to talk about?" I ignored Madara again.

"Yes, it's about your wealth. You've been recovering in two days and Lord Madara thinks it's about time for you to go out and fight in the field. Again."


I sat in the cage, listening to what Kabuto told me.

"I need your help with taking down the Akatsuki and protect the Leaf."

I gave Kabuto a hard stare, but he couldn't see it, of course. "Why?"

"Why not?" Kabuto said, shrugging his shoulders and gave me a smirk in the dark. As far as I could see, that is. "No, seriously." he said, turning serious again. "I need your help cause I want to protect the Leaf, my home village."

"You've been working as a spy under Orochimaru, you've betrayed the Leaf several times by acting as a spy and collect secret information from us. Under the Chunin exams five years ago, you helped attacking the Leaf and destroy a big part of it. Then after Orochimaru's death, you joined the Akatsuki who's an enemy for not only the Leaf, but the rest of the ninja world as well. And yet, you're willing to protect the Leaf?" I explained.

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