Chapter Five

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Ch. 5: A strange aura

Kiba's POV

Ever since I met Shinju, I couldn't get her out of my mind. There was something about her there made her different from others, but I just couldn't put my words on what it was.

I played with Akamaru when my big sister, Hana, said there was dinner. We both went inside, Akamaru silently trugging behind me, and then I sat down on my spot on the table. It seemed tonight dishes were beef with rice. Some of the beefs were fried, some of them were raw. The raw ones were for the dogs there were laying behind their respectives master's chair.

"You're acting different, Kiba. Has something happened?" asked my mother, Tsume as she started on her dinner plate.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. Akamaru whimpered, saying he wanted a piece of meat. I tossed him one while Tsume spoke.

"Yeah, first, your more quiet than usual, which is strange cause you always brag of how training goes and how awesome you were. Second, you spend more time with Shino. You two are always on each others throats, but lately you have been more friendly. Specially you."

"Now that you mention it, Mom, I noticed the same." Hana noted.

"Is that really true? I haven't noticed that. Well, no wonder." I said, shrugging, and took a big bite of the beef.

"What do you mean?" Hana asked curiously, smiling a smile I couldn't really describe, but couldn't like either.

I quickly swallowed my bite and answered.

"About two weeks ago or something like that I found out Shino had a sister." I raised an eyebrow and continued eating while waiting for answers.

"So?" Hana asked like it was nothing. She seemed like that too.

"So? Shino haven't mentioned a word about her like the entire time we have been on this team together. He should at least have told us he had a sister." I mumbled angrily and took another bite. "Besides, she's just like Shino. So I don't really see the differences between them other than Shinju's a girl and Shino's a boy." I said with my mouth full of food.

"Shinju, huh?" Tsume said with a small smile and took a spoonful rice in her mouth and chewed thoughtfully on it.

"You know Shinju?" I asked confused while cocking an eyebrow. She was chewing on her rice so Kuromaru, her nin-dog, answered for her.

"Tsume knows Shibi, Shino and Shinju's father, and that's also how she met Shinju. Though that was back when you were just a kid. Tsume and Shibi haven't really kept in touch so it's been a long while since we last saw the Aburames."

Tsume scoffed, still with food in her mouth. I looked at them confused, wondering when the last visit where. If it was back when I was just a kid I could either have forgotten it or Mom haven't brought me along. I guess it doesn't matter either way.

"Is that so?" I blinked a few times as I let the new information in. So my mother knew about Shinju and used to spend time with Shibi, their father? I couldn't really picture an Aburame and an Inuzuka to spend time like that. I frowned at that thought.

Almost like a family? Was that it? I thought. Ew! No way! I thought frantically and shook my head. Mom and Hana casted me weird looks, but said nothing about it.

We all ate in silence when my thoughts whent back to Shinju. My heart started pounding by the thought. I could remember her soft voice, her delicate moves and smooth way of speaking and caught myself of wishing to hear it again, to meet her again just to be able to hear her talk. I knew it was impossible since she was at the Chunin Exams. I just hope she's okay.

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