Chapter Six

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Ch. 6: Meeting an old friend

As I went home, I saw that Shino and Father wasn't home. I was home alone in the big house. The big dirty house to be exactly. Because of all the insects we let fly and walk around, the house get easily dirty. And fast too.

I couldn't believe it! I am gone for five days and Father and Shino can't even clean the house on their own?!

I sighed. "Guess I'll better start. I can just talk with Shino and Father when they come home." I said out-loud with an evil smirk plastered on my face.

I took my boots off and placed them on one of the lower shelf’s in the hallway. I took my jacket and glasses off too, and hang the jacket on the hook by the door and putted the glasses on the top shelf and went upstairs. First of all, I needed a bath. Being at the tower for five days with the same clothes on can make you smell, you know.

I walked to the left and then entered the first door on my right, which were the bathroom. At least there were a little more cleaner in here then the rest of the house...

I took off my clothes and my necklace and putted the clothes in the scamp curve to wash it later and the necklace on the sink. I turned the hot water on and felt the water with my fingers. When I was satisfied with the temperature I entered the bathtub and washed my hair and body. When I finished I just stood there under the hot water and enjoyed the feeling.

I stood there for nearly ten minutes, before I decided to go out the bath. I dried my body and went into my room, there were in front of the bathroom, and opened the closet. I made a quick search before I picked a gray jacket, a white shirt and dark shorts, my everyday clothes. I clicked the necklace on it's place around my neck and hided it under my shirt.

I went back downstairs and looked in the living room. The floor was filled with leaves from the plants there hang from the ceiling and there were also dirt here and there, probably from the beetles crawling around in the houseplants. The couch was in a mess too, and the table was covered with bowls from Ichiraku. They didn't even cooked?

I sighed and went for the kitchen to get a mop. I opened the closet and several butterflies, moths, beetles and flies fly out. I sighed again and took the also dirty mop. Honestly, when Shino and Father comes home, they are so gonna get it!

After cleaning off the mop, I poured water and soap in a bucket and mixed it together. I was about to wash the floor, when the door was been knocked.

"Visitors?" I said out-loud to myself.

I went to the hallway, putted my glasses on and opened the door to see Wakana, from Team 5.

"There you are!" she said excited. "I've been looking all over for you! It's been such a long time, don't you think?"

"Look, Wakana, I would love to chat, but I have to clean the house. It's a real mess." I tried to reason, but she wouldn't listen to me, that stubborn stupid-

"Oh, the house can wait. Now, come on, let's have some fun together!"

"By doing what?" Please don't tell me that...

"We're going shopping! After that we could go at the spa or something." She had a dreamy look on her face while mine was in silent horror. I just hope she didn't noticed that.

And I would like to say one thing. I DON'T LIKE SHOPPING! Actually, I hate it. I'm perfectly fine with the clothes I have and if it's get ruined I'll buy some new one. I don't need all that 'fashion clothes' almost every girl in town wanted and, as they said, 'needed'. But on the other hand, I love going to the spa. Just laying there, relaxing and getting massage. Ahh... Just thinking about it make me drool. Ah, well, back to the present.

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