Chapter Twenty Seven- Death

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Rays of sunshine seeped in from the curtains, waking me up. I glanced around at my surroundings. Looking over, I saw a shorty sitting at his desk, asleep. I must have fell asleep here last night when Levi and I were talking.

I stood up and headed over to his wooden desk. I propped my chin down, so my face was in front of his.

"Hey, Shorty! Get the fuck up!" I shouted, letting an evil grin escape.

He shot up, with shock written all over his face. His famous glare made its way to his flawless face, causing me to chuckle. He slowly stood up and cracked his neck, causing my idiotic grin to fade. Oh, shit he's pissed.

"Skye, was that necessary?" He said in a low, monotonous voice.

"No, but it was funny as fuck!" I laughed.

"Run." He stated.

"Wh--" I was cut off by him dashing around the corner of his desk.

I whipped around and ran to the door, flinging it open with a loud thump that echoed down the hallway.

I sprinted down the hallway towards the dining hall, with Levi right behind me.

"Out of my way!" I shouted as I pushed two people down when I slammed the dining hall doors open, which caused everyone to look in my direction.

The next thing I know, I am on the ground being tackled by Levi.

"Damn it, Shorty. Why do you have to be so fast!" I jokingly whined.

"So, I can catch annoying ass brats like you." He sarcastically said.

"I'm hurt." I said jokingly.

"Can you two get up, we need to leave for the trip to Wall Maria now."Erwin said from behind.

Levi reluctantly got up and helped me up. He glared at Erwin.

"What? You two can do that in your bedrooms." He stated rather loudly.

"Eyebrows! That was not what was happening!" I screamed.

He chuckled, "Just go get your horses ready."

"Fine." I said.

Three Hours Later

"Skye! Where are you?!" I heard Levi say.

I looked around. It looked as if I was under some rubble. My head, arms, and torso were bleeding pretty badly.

"Gahhhh!" I screamed out in pain.

All of a sudden I felt an extremely sharp pain come from my stomach. I looked down to see my maneuver gear swords were stuck in my center torso.

"Fuck!" I mumbled.

I began to feel a little dizzy, causing my vision blur and get blackish around the edges.

"Skye! Skye, Where are you?!" I heard Levi yell again.

I tried to call out to him, but I could not speak. I slammed my fist down on the ground, splitting my knuckles to open and bleed. My vision burred even more.

I felt cold and no longer energetic. I knew this was the end, I knew death was finally catching up to me. I have lost the race. Now, I was about to be nothing, but a tiny little piece of this history. I was okay with it. I have been preparing myself for death since I was fourteen years old. Death finally caught up.

I could barely feel or see anything else. I was shutting down. I wiped my finger in the large puddle of blood that was forming by my torso on the ground. I glided my fingers over the concrete ground, letting tears slip down my cheeks.

I observed my message and it said, 'I love you, Levi. Be free. Be free for me, Levi. --Skye Akamine'

I was engulfed in the darkness. My senses were gone, I felt the coldness of Death creep up on me. Surprisingly, I was completely comfortable.

"We finally meet." I said.

Five Hours Later

(Different POV)

I am the thing you fear when your young, and I am he thing you love and welcome when you're old. I am the thing you hate for taking your loved ones. I am death. Let me tell this story now, or at least the rest of it.

There was a limp, lifeless body under a large pile of dirty rubble. There was an explosion in Wall Maria, causing the nearby buildings to crumble down onto innocent citizens. Skye Akamine happened to be under one of those fallen buildings.

Levi searched for the girl he came to love so much. A hand came down onto his shoulder.

"Levi, lets go back to headquarters. We will come back and search through the rubble for her." Erwin said.

"She is not dead, Erwin! She might be trapped. We have to help her!" Levi said in panic.

Levi glanced to the right, causing his eyes to widen. He saw her. Skye, was there.

He ran over to her quickly, seeing a message written in was he assumed was her blood. It read, 'I love you, Levi! Be free. Be free for me, Levi. --Skye Akamine'

Tears were rushing down my face. She was dead. She had her maneuver gear swords in her middle torso. She lost entirely way too much blood. She was...dead.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! You fucking bitch!! Why would you die on me?!" Levi screamed.

"Levi!! Stop!!" Hanji said.

"I don't want to be here without her!" He screamed and turned around.

"You think she would want you dead?! No! She would be disappointed!" Erwin said.

"I just..." He tried to say through sobs.

"I know." Erwin said, crying along with Hanji and Levi.

(Levi's POV)

Skye, you were the strongest person I have ever met. I'll live on, but I swear on my life that it will be miserable without you to put that rare smile on my face. I will never forget the day we met, the time we spent together, and our last day together. I can't be free for you. I am not free unless you are here. Skye, you were my freedom and my world. My world and freedom have bee ripped from me. Now, I am nothing, but a helpless, trapped soul. I love you too. I'll never stop loving you.


ok! This is the last chapter. Read the Sequel, Color Vs. Black And White! Sorry for the sad ending. Thanks for reading this far, voting, and/or commented. I really appreciated it!! Bye!!

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