Chapter One- The Three Jobs

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   A rush of air blew my hair up, wrapping it around my neck and causing the tips to brush against the small of my back. I always loved my long hair. I stared in awe as the trio of thugs flew like free birds. I buried my envy deep down in my busy mind and trudged along on my daily routine.  I glanced back in time just as the trio disappeared behind another dingy building. Letting out a quiet sigh, I continued to my dreadful hut in the corner.

"So, where are you heading?" A man walked up to me with a pathetic smirk on his face.

   The man expected me to be another helpless girl who would be an easy target for his disgusting pleasure, but unfortunately he would be disappointed. I wasn't going to waste her time on fighting a pathetic man like that, though.  

     I ignored the man's perverted aura  and continued forward, walking past my little hut to throw off the man. 

"Hey! I'm talking to you girl! Come back!" The deviated man screamed desperately.

      For the next hour or so, I wandered around, lost in my thoughts, trapped within my mind, and suffocating my sanity with my outraging worries that I had to live with everyday. I wasn't paying attention, when a girl swooped down, loosing her balance. I fell backwards, smacking my arm into the ground and falling on it. The girl and I crashed our heads together in the process. 

"Isabel! Are you okay?!" A man swooped down also looking worriedly towards the girl who was rubbing her head.

"Who the hell are you?" Another man said , landing swiftly onto the ground with an annoyed look on his face.

"U-Uhhhh, my name is Alice." I said standing up abruptly. 

     Quickly regretting it,  my feet stumbled until I found something, which was the man's shoulder, to hold onto. When I realized what she was holding onto, I jumped away out of shock.   

    The man looked my body up and down, observing the many scars that were on my exposed arms. He then began to observe my electric green eye color.

"I'm sorry Alice! I didn't mean to do that." Isabel apologized, still rubbing her head.

"It's fine. No worries. Bye." I rushed through saying as I ran off into the distance.

Those were the people who have that gear that allows them to fly free. I wonder what it feels like....

Who was that guy, though. The observant one..... Did he detect the fact that I gave him a fake name? I don't know, but it doesn't matter. I won't have to deal with them again, most likely. I would however love to get my hands on some of that fascinating gear.  

     Finally, my small hut was in view. I slammed the door and locked it. There was really only one thing to do now, and that was to sleep. Today was exhausting, but mostly I hurt from that girl crashing into me. 


    The next day I woke up to a pounding on my door. I lazily got out of my uncomfortable bed and stalked to the door angrily. Before opening the door I called, "Who are you and what the hell do you want?"

     The hoarse voice on the other side of the door responded, "I have a letter."

     Grabbing a knife and slipping it in my belt, I cracked the door open, revealing the man on the other side. It's probably just another threat letter. 

      She snatched the letter from the old man, slamming the door. She ripped the the envelope open and began to scan the neatly written words. 

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