Chapter Nineteen- Shorty and Brat Part Two

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"What the hell was that, Skye?" Levi asked with rage plastered onto his face and seeping from his tone.

"You know perfectly well what that was Levi. It was a fucking punch." Skye screamed.

Hanji now was backing away to stand next to Erwin, who was watching from a slight distance, and sighed as the two shorties fought.

"What the hell?! Of course I know that it was a fucking punch. What the hell is wrong with you?! I call everyone brat, so get used to it." Levi said.

"Oh! Well Excuuuuse me for thinking that we were somewhat of friends, or is that only reserved for the dead ones, Farlan and Isabel!" Skye defended.

"Shut the hell up, bitch! Just shut the hell up! Don't you even fucking dare mention their names one more time or so help me I will--" Levi tried to say.

"You'll what? Beat me? Kill me? Punch me? Slap the shit out of me? Please, I have heard it all before, the threats. But go ahead, be my guest. Just fucking do it already and ki--" Skye interrupted, but was stopped by Levi's powerful kick.

The kick was followed by another kick to the stomach. Not expecting it, Skye was now on the ground coughing. She staggered up, sending a strong punch to Levi's jaw, making him stumble back a bit. He scavenged up a glare, and kicked her stomach with a high kick formation, causing Skye to fall to the ground. While Skye was on the ground, she used that time to tackle Levi by punching the back of his knees. He fell to the ground and Skye jumped on top of him. This didn't last long before Levi knocked Skye over and began punching her almost uncontrollably.

"Levi! Levi stop, you'll--" Hanji attempted to reason with him.

Levi interrupted her by standing up and yelling, "Shove it, Shitty-glasses!"

Levi walked off with a small limp, rubbing his side where Skye punched and kicked him.

Hanji rushed over to Skye, who was moaning on the ground out of pain, and said, "Oh my god, Skye are you okay?! Let's get you to the infirmary. Mike, come on!"

With the command, Mike rushed over and picked Skye up bridal style and walked with Hanji to the infirmary. Everyone around was staring wide-eyed at what just happened.

"Everyone, go back to what you were doing, now!" Erwin yelled.


Hey, sorry for the short chapter. But, DAAAAMMMNNN that escalated quickly and all because of Levi's most common name he calls people 'brat.' The flashback in the last chapter, chapter eighteen, was the night after Skye's dad sold her to a man. That man so happened to be Skye's drunk uncle, Frein. AND THE TRUTH COMES OUT!! By the way, I am thinking about making a sequel to this. It might be in modern time or not. It all depends. PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT!!!! Thanks if you read, voted, and/or commented, I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate it!!!! And WOW, I am way more hyper than usual.... BYE FOR NOW!!!!

                                                   -Ani (and yeah I am going to start signing it at the end because I can)

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