Chapter Six- New Roommate

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pound pound pound

pound pound pound

pound pound pound

pound pound pound

"For fuck's sake, what the hell do you want!" I yelled, throwing a pillow over my head.

"I know that I said you could rest today, but you have a new roommate, so we're moving you to a bigger room. That way, there will be more room."  Erwin hollered through the wood door.

I growled and threw the door open and dashed out, pushing Erwin to the wall, "What?"

Realizing what I just did, I backed away, "Sorry, you just caught me at a bad time."

"No shit." A monotone voice mumbled behind Erwin.

I shot a glare to Levi.

"Well, as I was trying to say, Isabel will be your new roommate, and we will be moving you to the third floor. Levi and Farlan will be right across the hall, because they asked to be close to Isabel, so they can keep an eye on her. I respect that."  Erwin explained.

"Fine, Eyebrows. I expect to have a whole week off for this shit." I said staring at those huge eyebrows of his.

"I can't afford for you to do that." Erwin said.

"And why not?" I grumbled as I shot another glare towards Levi's direction.

A simple 'tch' escaped the short man's mouth.

I rolled my eyes and went back into my room to get dressed. I was lucky that I had a hoodie and pants on because otherwise they would have seen my scars, caused my so-called father.

(Levi's POV)

I noticed some unusual scars on Skye's arm when she pinned Erwin to the wall, which I have to admit was kind of amusing to watch. Big man, small girl, the girl wins.

(Back to Skye's POV- an hour later)

"I'm not moving the stuff. You are the one who came to my door pounding on my door, telling me that I have to move, so I'm not moving it." I said stubbornly.

"Fine, we'll have Mike move it." Hanji suggested, nudging Erwin in the side.

"No, Skye will move it, with your's and Levi's help." Erwin said, then marched away.

(Three hours later)

Hanji began to stretch and then yawn, "So Levi, you don't talk much, do you?"

"I don't have much to say." He said in a monotone voice.

She shrugged and walked away, leaving the short man and the even shorter woman there alone.

Levi began glancing over at me, which I noticed. 

"What the hell do you want?" I glared at Levi.

Levi was oh-so-kind to return the glare, "Your scars."

My eyes widened and I shot up, kicking Levi down to the floor, "Don't mention the fucking scars. It's none of your damn concern." 

I then ran out of the hallway and out into the breezy air.

(Levi's POV)

I gazed out at the woman who stood in the middle of the field staring up at the grey clouds.

(third person POV)

Every scar tells a story, which means that Skye had a lot of stories. Bad stories that are a constant reminder of all the shitty things that transformed a normal child's happy aura into a quite depressing one. 

~~~~ (Skye's POV)

I woke up to Isabel jumping on my abdomen.

"Owww, what the hell, Isabel?" I screamed.

"Sorry, but it's time to get up. Levi wants to train." Isabel stated.

"I don't need to train. You are the one who needs to train, so go train." I ordered.

Isabel's once happy, bright morning smile quickly turned to a small frown as she stalked out of the door.
(Four hours later)

        I sat in my usual spot at the table with Hanji, and only Hanji. Since Hanji was having another one of her titan moments, I resulted my boredom by resting my head on my hand, while looking off into distance. During one of my brief scans of the room, as Hanji went on about some titan stuff, I caught a glimpse of the trio walking over.

"Hey Roomie, can we sit here!?" Isabel said in her usual cheerful tone.

"If you have the ability to do so, then go ahead and do it because I'm not going to waste my energy to try and stop you." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Ohhhhh, new people. I should start from the beginning, so they don't miss out on any of my fascinating findings." Hanji managed to say over her overwhelming excitement.

In sync, Levi and I both said, "No."

Hanji looked up to Isabel and Farlan and responded, "And what about you two curious looking new cadets?!"

Feeling sort of put-on-the-spot, Farlan said, "Uh- sure. That would be great, I guess. It wouldn't hurt to learn a little something extra about the titans."

He slightly nudged Isabel.

Once again in sync, Levi and I popped up from the table. Instantly, we glared at each other. We went off in separate directions. In result, Hanji started to go on about something other than titans for once, "You know those two have some tension, but I think that they would be perfect for each other because they are so much alike."

Farlan chuckled, but Isabel looked actually excited about this, "You have a point."

(a week later)

I was walking along the hallway on the way to the cafeteria, when a familiar voice came up and an unusually hard slap on the back, "Ouch! What the hell, Hanji?!"

"Oh sorry! So how is Levi doing? Have you talked to him lately?" Hanji questioned.

"What do you mean, 'have I talked to him,' Hanji? I am in charge of training the bastard, so of course I have talked to him." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You two are so cute together!" Hanji squealed.

"Hanji! What the hell? We are not together." I defended. 

"Oh Skye, calm down, don't worry so much!" Hanji giggled and walked off.

"What was that about?" Levi walked up.

I whipped around and shot a simple glare towards the slightly taller man, "Nothing."

"It didn't seem like nothing to me," Levi said teasingly, when he really heard the whole thing.

"Like I give a shit about what my conversation seemed like to you," I said a little hiding the slight pink tint that appeared on my face.

"Tch, whatever brat." He mumbled.

"Whatever? You get back here short- stack!" I called as he was walking away.

Levi stopped in his tracks. Since no one could see his face at the moment, but me, he gave in for once and let a small grin on his face. He took it off and turned around. He glared at me, who looked as if I was about to burst out laughing. He swiftly walked over and pinned me to the wall.

"You are shorter." He said, grinning.

I began to grin back at the strong man who was pinning me to the wall, firmly.

"And?" I questioned, while letting a little chuckle slip out.

"And--" Levi was cut off.

"Hmm....well that didn't take long." A familiar voice said from behind us.

Levi let his firm grip go of me, and we turned around to see Erwin, Hanji, Isabel, and Farlan all gawking at the scene.

Levi 'tch'ed and walked away. I cleared my voice and walked towards my room. I could hear footsteps behind me. I assume they were either Isabel's or Hanji's to ask me about what just happened. 

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