Chapter Seven- Expedition

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"E-excuse m-me?", Isabel said at the aggravated Skye who was standing next to Levi.

Skye realized that Isabel was nervous so with a confused smile she said, "Yeah?"

Her face brightened up when she saw the smile.

"Have you been on one of these expeditions yet?", Isabel asked in awe.

"Yes," Skye said looking down slightly.

Levi looked over at Skye, noticing her head that was now facing the cobblestone ground.

Erwin's announcement brought everyone out of their thoughts, worries, and conversations.

"Move out!", Erwin yelled.

A dreary silence fell over everyone and everything as they mounted their horses and rode off to the gate.

Levi's POV

We rode along in absolute silence, which I could tell was bothering Skye. When Isabel asked about her first expedition, she looked down as if it were a terrible experience for her. I wonder what happened.

Flashback- Skye - first expedition

"Akamine, get your ass over here right now or so help me I wi--", Skye's squad leader was cut off by the titan's hands that crushed his strong, built body.

Skye's eyes widened an enormous amount, she never realized that her eyes could go that wide. She quick took a glance around at her squad, who were lying on the ground covered in their blood, others' blood, and evaporating titan blood. The limbs of the people who made up her squad now lay motionless on the muddy ground.

She now looked up to her captured squad leader just about to be bitten in two, when Skye hooked her grappling into the ten meter class titan and launched off with incredible strength that she has been saving for this exact moment. She spun in tight circles allowing her to move more swiftly and faster. With one simple slice of the nape, the titan collapsed, releasing its hold on the still living squad leader.

"Move.", Skye said with a blank, yet blood thirsty look that she despised so much.

"Look, I know you saved my li--", the squad leader tried to say.

He was cut off by skye knocking him to the ground when she launched off to kill the two fifteen meter class titans that were coming. Her ignorant squad leader's eyes widened.

With a smirk on her face, Skye flew up to the nape of the neck, inserting a clean slice which killed the monster they called a titan. She then proceeded onto the next titan. Her blades dug into the ankles of the titan, knocking it to the ground. To play around in hope of a scream from the titan, Skye stabbed its eyes. Grinning at the painful scream that was released by the titan's huge mouth, she sliced the nape of the neck with ease. Skye landed swiftly next to the very stunned squad leader.

Noticing a retreat flare, Skye hopped on her horse and said, "Next time do not underestimate me squad leader."

End of flashback

"Wow!", Isabel gawked her eye at the greenery.
There was grass. Beyond the wall it was like a peaceful field, until the Titans come out, but for right now it is peaceful. Skye closed her eyes and let the wind blow her hair back. Feeling the strong breeze, she hummed a song in her mind, and thought of a meadow with the sunset in the background and wild flowers flowing along with the rhythms of the breeze. She allowed this peaceful image rest in her mind to only have it ripped away from her when she heard the familiar thud.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

"Fifteen meter class to the left," Skye heard somewhere behind her.
She took out a red flare, covered her ear and reached up into the sky. Holding her hand to her ear, she pulled the trigger, allowing the redness stream up from her galloping horse.

Skye glanced over to Isabel, Farlan, and Levi.

"You two go for the ankles, I'll take out the nape! Go!", Levi shouted at his two friends.

"Wait!", Skye tried to get out.

Skye had grown used to having the trio around. She almost considered Isabel and Farlan as friends, and Levi as....well she did not know exactly what Levi was.

She glared at the trio as they slashed up the ankles, making the Titan fall!

She smirked when she heard 'yahoo' from Isabel. Skye then glanced back up, but this time  at a short man soaring through the air, slicing a large chunk out of the nape of the beast, killing it instantly.
Steam rose up, and Levi emerged out flawless as ever. The emotionless man gave a irritated glare at Skye. Only a small 'tch' came from him.

"Not bad," Skye said as she galloped on.


"We're going left!" Skye yelled back at the trio.

They nodded.

The green faded in the rainfall that began. With the rain soaking Skye and the rest of the squad, she pulled her hood over her head, hiding her face. She glanced back at the trio....only it was not a trio.

"Where the hell is Levi?!", Skye screamed at Farlan.

"He had to tell Erwin something.", he mumbled, looking slightly guilty.

Noticing the guilt that killed off any innocent look Farlan had left she asked, "Are you sure about that?"

"Fifteen meter coming!", someone cut everyone's attention away from the original focus point it held.

Isabel grinned and shot off into the air to kill her first Titan.

"Isabel!", Farlan yelled.

God damn it!, Skye thought to herself.

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