Chapter Eighteen- Shorty and Brat

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Skye's POV

        "Hey there, buddy." I greeted in a soothing voice to my horse.

    I stroked his back, mumbling comments to him every so often as I cleaned the saddle.

        "Tch, only an idiot talks to a horse." A voice popped out of no where behind me.

    I sighed, straightening my back and stretching. After I heard the familiar popping sound, I turned to face my short co-captain. There was a look of absolute disgust on his stunningly flawless face. I shuddered at that thought. I sighed again. He crossed his arms like he was the most bored man in the world and he did not care about anything, but in his eyes there was a slight shimmer of something that let me know he cared about certain things.

        "What are you staring at, brat." He rolled his eyes.

    I stood there for a second observing his movements before answering, "Levi?"

    He sighed irritably, "What is it?"

        "Why do you call me brat? We have known each other for a long time. I thought I could at least upgrade to....oh I don't know....oh wait I do, my name." I said sarcastically.

        "Tch, whatever brat." He stated walking away.

        "OH! And there the famous shorty goes again with his famous 'tch' , his famous eye roll, and his famous god damn bored expression!" I said getting angered.

    I am not sure why I am so angry now. I got used to these actions over the long period of time I have known Levi, but right now I have realized how aggravated with them I have become.

        "You always call me brat! Am I really a brat to you? Am I really nothing, but a fucking brat to you, Levi?!" I screamed.

    His eyes widened.... actually and literally his were wide open right now. I didn't care.

    I took in a big breath and continued, "After all the years, you still consider me an annoying ass brat. What about Isabel and Farlan?! Huh? I helped you! At least I thought I did! Or maybe that was another one of my bratty acts that you just hate so fucking much! What about being there? What about telling you my whole fucking story? Hmm?! What about that? I told you things that I never tell anyone!"

    I calmed down a bit. I had not realized it, but I was shaking. People were staring at me and Levi, but mostly me losing my mind. It was probably because of Frein and how he showed up. It reminded me of what he did....

Flashback (Skye age- 12)

    I shivered, trying to escape the cold touch of the masked man that my father sold me to. He came back tonight. I could hear the deep chuckle from his drunk self. I could smell the alcohol emitting itself off of the disgusting, horrible man. Why did father do this?

      "You can't escape me...."

    I continued to crawl to the far corner of the bed, in an attempt to escape the situation. Something about his voice was familiar.

        "I bet you want to know who I am, child." He chuckled and coughed at the same time.

    I shook my head 'no.' I did not care who the bastard was, I just wanted him to leave me alone. I wanted my father gone and my mother back. I wanted to live a nice life where both of my parents were alive and loved me. Where they didn't sell me to creepy old men, beat me, cut me, cause death. I wanted a perfect life that I would never have. This is a cruel world....

    The masked man reached up and stroked my hair, as he reached up and pulled the mask off with his other hand.

        "Un....cle.... Fr-Fre-in?!" I questioned with tears of betrayal running down my face.

End of Flashback

        "Skye...." Levi mumbled almost inaudibly.

    I stood there, breathing really hard, with a few tear stains on my face. Was I crying?! In front of my squad?! Shit.... I was crying in front of Levi.

        "Skye....Why are you so upset." He asked.

    I snapped my head up, facing him and glaring straight into his eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Eren shiver at the horrific glare, even though it was not directed towards him.

    Levi took a step forward, "Br--"

        "I think I have made it pretty fucking clear that I do not want you calling me a damn brat! God damn it, you fucking little dipshit, short-ass, bitchy, asshole! Why don't you just take your fucking attitude of superiority and shove it up your god damn ass!" I screamed.

    I marched away from the mixture of shocked, amused, and scared faces and ran into the headquarters building, leaving Levi to absorb everything that I just screamed at him in front of the entire squad. 

    Damn, I have quite the temper....


Third Person POV

    Skye continued to march down the hallway, with an enraged look on her face that could scare away even the most dangerous criminals of the underground. She knew that she went too far with mentioning Isabel and Farlan in front of the entire squad. She knew that she went too far in general, but she was just so pissed at running into Frein, the man her father sold her to, that Levi calling her 'brat' just set it off.

        "Woah, there tiger! Where do you plan on going with that fierce face full of anger?" An amused Hanji came up chuckling.

        "Hanji, I am not in the damn mood right now for any of your bullshit about Levi and I dating, getting together, making out, or any of that made up shit that you pile in that mind of yours! Levi and I will never happen! I can't stand the guy! I can't stand his attitude! I can't stand anything that comes with that short package of his!" Skye screamed with fumes of anger spewing from her words of venom.

    Hanji frowned, and for once got extremely serious, "Skye, you have an attitude like Levi. You call him short all the time. Yes, it is hilarious, but it irritates him as much as him calling you brat does to you. This doesn't seem like it is about the whole 'brat' thing though."

        "Enough, Hanji! I hate Levi! I hate Heichou! I hate Corporal Levi of the god damn Survey Corps! I hate Humanity's strongest! I hate whatever the fuck you or anyone else wants to fucking call him!" By this point, anyone in the headquarters could hear Skye.

        "Skye, please calm do--"

        "Tch, why bother. It's clear the brat, hates me." Levi said, standing behind Skye.

    Skye shot around, and before she could control herself she punched Levi directly in the face.

    Her eyes widened and she backed away quickly, "I-I'm...."

    Her face hardened and she ran away, angrily.

Hey there!! SOOO, Levi probably wasn't toooooo much into his normal self, but I don't care because it went well with the chapter. ANYWAY!! I don't know exactly why Skye had the outburst, I guess I was just in the mood to have a VERY BIG argument between the two. I don't know, it was just a "spur of the moment" thing. I was angry earlier today and I kind of took it out on the story. I mean it had nothing to do with being a brat or being short. I mean I am quite short, but the reason I was angry had nothing to do with height. I was in an argument, I was mad, so I made Skye have an argument, and made Skye mad. So there you have it. Ok.....bye or else this will turn into a full on rant. And I and you do not want that.

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