Chapter Two- The Final Raid

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        It has been a long, but reasonably easy year. The first two raids were very successful as expected.

I ended up going on the first raid alone because my instructor refused to do his part of the mission, and bailed at the last minute due to his tremendous fear of looking weak next to me. I was really pleased with that outcome, and I was able to glide through the air faster without the arrogant instructor. Today, in a few hours was the Final Raid, as they call it. The object of the mission is to steal some more maneuver gear equipment from the Military Police. This raid was above ground, so it was extremely crucial that we carry it out with no problems, or the mission will fail, and we will get caught.

"Skye we will leave in an hour, do you need to go over any last minute tweaks before it is time?" Kane asked.

"No, I believe we went over everything we need to know about the Final Raid last night. You all should spend the last hour doing what you would like to do, not some boring meeting that is just reviewing information we have been going over the past year." I responded, looking kind of dazed.

"Hmm.. you don't sound too confident." He said with the tiniest hint of concern in his tone.

"I don't know, just something about this mission doesn't seem right." I replied, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I mean you have some of the best people on your team. Plus, you're the one who trained us, so you should feel even more confident on our obvious, soon-to-be success." He said.

"I guess you're right, then." I sighed as I realized that if I trained these people and they didn't make it, it would be my fault for not training them properly? 

     Would their blood be on my hands?

     He smiled down at me, waiting for another response that will never come.

(One hour later)

      "Alright, come on. You know the plan. You should because we have been studying it for a year now." I announced, on my way out of the building, getting ready for my dangerous raid.

     We slumped out of the door, lacking confidence in ourselves. This was the moment that could kill us or free us from the dreadful underground. 

     (At the end of the raid)

     "Skye, what do you want to do, they're gaining on us." One of my partners yelled from right behind me. 

"They aren't like normal Military Police members. Come on this way!" I ordered.

"This is ridiculous! We didn't even get to go above ground." Another one of my partners called up to me. 

     We went around every corner and turned at incredible speed, yet we never seemed to be able to loose them.

"What if they aren't Military Police. Their skill seems too high." I mentioned under my breath.

"What?" One of my partners asked, startled. 

     I quickly glanced back to see that the people, who were swiftly flying through the air, were rapidly gaining on us.  

     People started to take notice of us, the people who were flying through the air, and the people chasing us. Some of those people, from what I could see with my quick glances, were the trio who ran into me about a year ago. I could feel the steal eyes of the observant man, from the trio, watch me.  He watched my every move until I disappeared behind an old building. No matter how hard I tried over the last year, I couldn't get him out of my mind. It was quite infuriating sometimes because he was always on my mind, or in the back of my mind. I took another sharp glance back at the people who were chasing us. They were wearing green cloaks. The symbol of wings flashed in the corner of my eye. 

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