Chapter 45 - Conclusion of a Problem

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Chapter 45

Recipient: Helena Rovanoff

Tuesday the 1st of February, 1972

275, Soloslovo KIZ Gorki-8Odincovsky district

Moscow, 143081



To my dear little Helena,

I saw you crying at the hospital today and I gained a perspective I had never held before; how hard it is for you to see me in this state. It is pitiful just how little I can do now without utterly collapsing. Even as I write this, I feel that I am shaking like an earthquake. I am so sorry if you cannot read this, I will ask one of the nurses to transcribe it. That should be more convenient for you.

I know how hard you have been struggling recently with Stefon's death and then your father's. No thirteen year-olds should watch their brother and father die, let alone care for their mother and baby brother and I am so sorry that you have been put in that very position. Do not think that I have not noticed your efforts. These last few months I have woken too sick to stand and I know why Ilya has not come crying for me in the mornings. You are an excellent big sister to him and I hope that when I am not around anymore, you still will be there for him. You two will only have each other.

I know that the last few times I have been in hospital, I stayed overnight and returned to you the next day, but the doctors have told me this will be different. They do not think I will leave this time. I know that this is far sooner than we expected, but we have talked about the possibility of this before. You know the plan.

I have called your uncle and he will drive by and pick you to up to come and stay with him...maybe he already has by the time you receive this letter. I have asked that he does not take you and your brother to visit me. I am in no state to have visitors, let alone have my you two see me like this. The hospital is not a place for children.

As for your uncle, be good to him and help him whenever you can. He is not the wealthiest man in the world but he will do all he can to give you what you ask for. He has no sense of limitations when it comes to money, so do not ask for much.

In three years' time, Helena, I have organized the bank to hand over the money your father and I earned. On your 16th birthday you will inherit it all. I have purposely neglected to add Ilya into this contract as I believe he is far too young to be concerned for such matters though I do expect that once he comes of age, you share half of the fortune with him. In the meantime, do all you can to keep him innocent and naïve. He does not need to know about Stefon or you father or the disease. Be vigilant in keeping him away from the Agency and you stay as far away as you can too.

The Agency has offered funding and benefits for us to keep our mouths shut, I feel that if you take this offer, you will be severely constricted from everything. So do not take it. Freedom is worth far more than any stack of bank notes.

The Agency will play on your mind so be aware. They will lure you in when you hit your most vulnerable hour. They play on your mind set and dictate your life from within the shadows. You are only thirteen and I don't expect you to understand all of what I write in this letter, but keep it in your mind.

I am telling you this now because it is a persistent worry of mine; yours and your brother's lives are in danger. Now that it has become clear that they overlooked a flaw in the manufactured disease, they will want to weed out those affected by it. You and Ilya are physical evidence that they did something illegal and they will want to eliminate that or at least let nature takes its course and let it eliminate you for them. Keep a low profile and DO NOT draw attention to yourself—believe me, it will save your life.

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