Chapter 37 - Nyo way, Jose!

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Chapter 37

“I mean like this is just great, like seeing you again and just like chilling. It’s really great!”

“You are starting to sound like Poland.” Toris chuckled quietly as he adjusted his headphones so that he could hear me and the radio program being broadcasted on the plane.

“No, seriously Toris. You are the one person in the world right now that I actually don’t have a problem with.” I explained as I chowed down something that was meant to be fish… according to the menu of the plane. “You are the one person that I know exactly where I stand with. It’s not like we are trying to fake getting along just for the press.”

“Surely there are more people than just me, Miss Taishya?” Toris gave me a sympathetic smile, “You know, Mr Russia has kept every newspaper clipping of you since…”

He didn’t finish his sentence. I had sent him a killer look. The one problem I had with Toris was his meek honesty. I wasn’t meek and I wasn’t honest; they were concepts of personality I had never grasped but when you were the biggest asset your agency had, there was no room to be a door mat or truthful; you had to learn to convince people that nothing was black and white. You had to create non-existent grey areas for people to see; plant seeds of doubt in their minds to get what you wanted.

True to my word, I was travelling to the UK with my Lithuanian pal. He was going to catch a connector flight to his place whilst I was going to catch a ‘connection’ I had had almost six months ago.

It had been breezy leaving Alfred. I knew I was interrupting his little affair with Natalya despite the fact that he had thoroughly enjoyed going on a talk show with me. After we left the stage, I had told him straight, “Alfred, I got to go. I have unfinished business everywhere. Can you get me on a flight to England?”

Of course he had said yes. Alfred just had that skill of being able to get anything by flashing his teeth. He had taken my request like it was some sort of super stealth spy mission. I embarrassingly had to wait around the airport while he tiptoed into corners and talked into his phone…eventually he tiptoed into the main airport office and pulled a few stings for me. My righteous ‘friend’ had then given his master card to me when he realized all I had was the phone in my hand and skimpy red dress. There were some benefits be an associate of the messed up, extremely flashy but heavily morally obliged Western country.

We were halfway through the flight and all that I had managed to put up on my screen was the flight path. I had been staring at the plane image slowly making its way across the world for ages. I had tried to sleep but I just couldn’t. Every time I looked over at the person I was seated beside, his brunette locks would turn grey, his straight posture would become bent.

“Are you feeling alright, Miss Taishya?” Toris whispered as he slowly opened his eyes and blinked away sleep. It must have been awkward to wake up with me staring right at him but I wasn’t really in the mood for apologizing and pondering on why I was having vivid hallucinations.

“I met one of the Wiccans on a plane before everything happened.” I shrugged, “I think the high altitude and pregnancy hormones are harbouring a little extra paranoia for me to have to handle.”

“Your breathing is quite heavy. I was worrying you were going in to early labour.” Toris smiled a little and patted my hand.

“It is?” I asked, “I hadn’t even noticed.”

“Yeah. It is. You look tired. Maybe you should try to sleep?”

I envied Toris. He had slept for most of the flight and I couldn’t even close my eyes for a mere very seconds. He had half stumbled out of the plane, groggily blinking into the dark night and shivering in the cold temperature of England.

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