Chapter 20 - Intruder 1

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Chapter 20

I laid back on my bed and smiled a little to myself. It was sad to say I had become accustomed to this prison. As much as I did not like being here, I found it hard to think about escaping. After two months of not seeing the light of day, I had grown to like the solitary that being underground offered.

These Wiccans were crazy. They listened to my every word like it was spoken by God. They were convinced the baby had influence on my speech and I was using it to my own benefits. I had demanded a TV and an hour after the demand they had brought in a TV to my room, I had demanded an IPhone and that was what I had got. I had demanded a good room rather than the powered cavern I had been originally placed in, I had demanded an Xbox, I had demanded a new wardrobe and I had demanded a potato pie in which I had gotten all of them.

The news channel had a familiar face on it. Alfred sat in an interview on ET, he looked happy. The countries had been on TV a lot in the last few months, they were stars now. The reception the world gave them was far more than they deserved. I felt heartbroken whenever they appeared on some stupid TV show whilst I watched from a stupid thing that was little more than a cave.

Even worse, November in France meant spring was coming to an end and I was feeling extremely cold at night. Everything was battery operated here it would have been extremely tedious to bring in a heater. Lucky for me, the Wiccans had heard my pleas for warmth and had bought me five different jackets.

The baby was beginning to move now. It was a comfort to feel the embryo move; I felt like I was not as alone as reality would have liked. Every breathe that went through my body was no longer just for me but for this life inside of me. As a negative side effect, I was beginning to experience vivid nightmares which I blamed on insomnia and anxiety which was forever present when I stared at the lump growing from in my abdomen. The second trimester was nice, perhaps a honeymoon period for me.

These past couple of months I had faked going into labour five times and the Wiccans had always taken it seriously. Despite the seriousness of the apparent situation they had offered me no means of escape. I knew that there was no way of getting out of here without being detected, this was a bustling undetected community and they thrived in the tunnels.

I got up from my bed and went to the one and only entrance/exit to my cavern where two followers stood either side out at the front. I guessed they were at the door to guard me from escaping and to guard me for protection, every four hours they would be recycled around. Over the course of two months, I had gotten to know the regulars and they all enjoyed talking to me which was sort of creepy. This whole group was like a party of over-excessive fans who would do anything for me and literally could die happy when I spoke to them.

"Hello Joel, hello Simon." I greeted the guards for this four hour round. If I was not being held captive, I think I would have liked Joel and Simon. They were both around my age, if not a little younger and they both shared my sarcastic sense of humour which was pretty entertaining. Humour was the only real thing they had going for themselves as they were pretty dangly and I seriously questioned the point of them being on guard as often as they had been allocated it.

Joel had a slight tan and rather dark hair. He was from Wales and had moved to Paris because of his parents and work commitments or whatnot. He was generally the quiet one however when he did say something it was flipping hilarious.

Simon had a very pale complexion and was dead-set French. He had joined this group because he had thought it would have been fun to run around tunnels, hoping it to be like in all those war movies where you could blow up stuff here and there. There was a naïve boyish streak that ran through Simon yet he had a pretty dark sense of humour.

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