Save Me

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John looked at me. He gave me this look, a look filled with love, a look he often doesn't give. "Come on love, pick your favorite." He said grinning like a mad man.

"A strawberry shake?" I say quietly.

"A strawberry shake sir for my little strawberry." John says to the man working at the shop I smiled.

I took John's rough hand in mine. His palm warm against my small cold hands.

John was a well built man. He looks a lot weaker than he is. His eyes are my favorite though, a creamy peanut butter color. They made me melt when I looked in them.

I got my shake and John his ice cream and we walked to his truck.

"John, do you love me?" I ask. He studies my face for a few moments.

"Yeah, of course I do. Why do you ask?" He says reaching for my face. I flinch back. He looks hurt but places his palm on my cheek.

I let a tear escape and he kisses it away.

"Because...if you love me...why do you hit me?" I say putting my hand over his. He looks pained and tears escape his eyes. He puts his forehead against mine.

" I don't know love....I don't know" he says during sobs.

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