Chapter 52

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                                           Chapter 52 : Devious Deliveries


Green smoke belched from the fireplace in the Headmaster's office as Neville arrived back at Hogwarts on Boxing Day.

"Happy Christmas, Mister Longbottom," called Minerva McGonagall, as she rose from the chair behind the headmaster's desk.  "Did you have a good holiday with your Gran?"

"Yes, and I went to visit my parents on Christmas Eve.  Mum was enjoying the lights on the tree and Dad seemed a little more aware, too, that something was different in the ward."

"Well, that's a good sign then, isn't it?" 

"Yes, but I've learned not to get my hopes up; I know they just have good days and bad days.  But I do think they know who I am, at least," Neville added.

"They'd be proud, Neville," Minerva replied, as she came down the steps from her desk.  "Any signs of trouble?"

Neville knew exactly what she meant and shook his head.

"No visits from the Ministry or anyone else, but I wasn't waiting around, on the off chance someone did show up to question me.  If they know Professor Snape is recovering, I think they'll let it slide."

"Indeed.  Well, I was just heading down for luncheon.  Care to join me?"

"I'd be delighted, Professor," smiled Neville.

"Leave your trunk, the House Elves will take it up to your room."

Nodding, Neville stepped forward and opened the door, bowing Minerva  through.

"AH, chivalry's not dead," she giggled, as she swept out, heading for the spiraling stairs.

"I should think not . . . Gran would have my hide!" laughed Neville, as he closed the door and followed her down the stairs.


"Neville!"  Seamus called, when he spotted his classmate entering the Great Hall with Professor McGonagall.  The others seated around the table added their greetings and the two took their seats.

"Happy Christmas, everyone!"  Neville looked around, smiling.  "Anything new and exciting going on that I need to hear about?"

"Only that we're getting a shipment of some kind from the Weasley twins today.  Hagrid's going to meet the Knight Bus and help them bring whatever it is they developed to help us, up to the school,"  Seamus informed him.  "I know part of it is the stuff for rigging the bridge, but we're in the dark as to anything else they've got," he added, shaking his head.  "Whatever it is, I almost pity the Death Eaters and Snatchers who will feel the effects of their products.  ALMOST."

"Here, here," Neville laughed, having been the victim ( guinea pig ) of several of the twins 'newest products' over the years. "Where's Professor Snape?"

"Coming!" came the call from Healer Treiber, as Severus and she came through the doors and headed toward the table.  Severus was walking by himself, using a cane for balance, making slow but steady progress toward the table, a determined look on his face.  He sank onto his chair and gave a sigh of relief before looking around at the gathered teachers, students and guests.

"Good morning," he intoned.

"Good morning, Professor Snape,"  the students chorused, wide grins on their faces.

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