Chapter 31

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                                         Chapter 31: Do yourself a big favor . . .

Mad-Eye Moody, Tonks and Remus, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Arthur and Bill Weasley were each positioned next to one of the doors leading into the 'Veil Chamber'.  They had 'Disillusioned'  themselves, but the two boys sprinting down the hall toward them knew they were there.

Albus and Severus were skulking in the stairwell, as they planned to 'arrive on the scene' after everyone had entered the 'Veil Chamber'.

"How's it going, boys?" Remus called.

"So far, so good; they're confused, surprised, and a bit the worse for wear," answered Harry, as Neville and he went to their assigned doors.  "Hey Tonks," he added, as a hand grasped his elbow.

"Wotcher, Harry," replied the young Auror.

"They are not happy campers, I'll tell you that," Neville said, as he stopped beside the next door. "Mad-Eye?'

"Right here, lad," growled the old man. "Ah, here come the others."

Luna, Ginny and Hermione were running toward them, with Ron bringing up the rear, giving them cover.

"They're going to be coming any second," Ron called, as he sprinted over to the door on the far left.  "Hey Remus!"

"Hey, Ron," came Lupin's disembodied voice. "How'd it go?"

"Bella is beyond pissed off, which means she's going to go wild when she gets here.  Lucius, I think, is realizing something's not right, but has to keep trying to catch Harry and get the Sphere."

"Here they come . . . good luck!" whispered the werewolf, as the voices of the pursuing Death Eaters echoed from the hallway.

* * *

That group rounded the corner and saw the students entering the various doors to the 'Veil Chamber'.

"Why aren't they all going in there together?" wondered MacNair out loud, even as he ran forward with the others.

Lucius heard him and an alarm bell went off in his head.

"Stop! STOP!"  he cried, even as he threw out his arms to slow the group.

"We have to follow them and catch them before they can get to the elevators!" Bella hissed.  "Or do you want them to get away, Lucius?  You failed to get the Prophesy, so is this your way of having an excuse, 'they got away' ", taunted the wild haired witch.

"Don't be foolish, Bella; they can't get away.  But MacNair is right; if they were simply running away, they'd have all gone through the same door.  They deliberately went through different doors . . . something's not right . . . it could be a trap."  Lucius looked around, studying the hallway, listening for any sound that would give away approaching enemies.

"If it was a trap, the Dark Lord would know, he knows everything . . . "

"We're wasting time!" Avery growled, "And I have a score to settle with Potter," he added, as he wiped blood from his cheek.

"Potter is not to be harmed!" Lucius reminded him, even as he walked forward toward the doors to the 'Veil Chamber'.  "Pick a door, two at each, then we'll see what little games these children have planned."

The Death Eaters spread out, pairing up and on Lucius' signal, burst through the doors.

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