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The other day my Quran teacher approached me about a young man looking to get married. Before telling me anything about him she asked what is the age limit that I would want for a husband for right now, and I told her that my parents and I have decided to go to the limit of 8 year difference between my husband and I but if a man came that we really liked is older than that then we wouldn't mind and it wouldn't be an issue for us. So she told me about a man who is 30 years old and only had good things to say about him. That he is a very honest, loyal, and kind man and he's looking to settle down, buy a house, and start a family. She told me a little more information like his name and where he works, so when I approach my family with this option they will have some information. I also told her my parents may not be very fond of the idea of having an 11 year difference, so I'll talk to them and let her know.

So the next day I talked to my parents and told them all I knew about Musa and they were wanting to know more before taking any steps forward so I asked my teacher some other questions that my parents had. She then talked to Musa and told him about me, but he said that he wasn't comfortable with the big age gap and he wanted someone closer to his age. So it didn't work out but I completely understand his point of view. Alhamdulillah for everything!

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