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SOTC : Count On Me - Bruno Mars

Harlyn :P
Hey wanna hang out today??

I wish :/ I got therapy

Harlyn :P
Okay, what time?

I'm in the waiting room, it all depends

Harlyn :P
Okay! Txt me whenever you get out :))

Will do :)

I locked my phone and glanced around the room. It was empty today, most likely being the fact it's a Saturday morning. Jaidon wasn't occupying any of the seats in the waiting room, upsetting me a bit.

"Myla," I heard Miss Yamaro call.

I stood up, and walked with her. We passed through the hallways, the inspirational quotes hung from the walls. We reached her office, I took a seat on the couch, and she found her place in the chair by me.

"How are you?" She asks, glancing towards me.

"I'm in pain." I groan.

"Wha- oh my gosh, what happened to your ankle?!" She half yells.

"Jaidon pushed me." I joked.

She glared at me as if saying that I better tell her the truth.

"Actually, Jai told me to be careful swinging and I didn't listen. My butt slipped from underneath of me and I was going super fast. And unfortunately for me, what goes up must come down. My ankle cracked and yeah." I laughed.

"Is it broke?"

"No it's sprained badly, there also was a small fracture, but it's nothing too bad."

"Okay, let's talk." She spoke seriously.

"You're stuttering has gone away.." She smiled widely.

"Y-yeah, I didn't even realize that." I smile.

"How's home life?" She asks.

"Eh, Danyelle ignores me mostly." I sigh.

"Where's mom?"

"We don't know."


Therapy was short and boring today. Nothing happened, and I talked a lot about Harlyn, and Jaidon.

I'm done with therapy and I'm at home

Harlyn :P
Okay :)) I'll swing by and pick you up

Harlyn :P
Does the park sound good?

Sadly not :( I sprained my ankle, ice cream sound good?

Harlyn :P
YESSSS! I hope this isn't a problem but Grace wants to tag along

No that's cool I'll ask Benjie if he wants to go :)

Harlyn :P
Okay I'll text you when I'm on my way, it takes a lot to get ready and then get Grace ready

Okay ttyl

I get up off the couch, using my crutches, and somehow manage to climb up the stairs.

I find Benjie sprawled out on the floor with Austin. They were coloring and Austin was singing to him.

I did my best to lean against the door frame, watching them.

"Hey, Benjie," I called softly.

He smiled over at me, "yeah?"

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