Part 39

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I finally found a technique to make sure I update every week!!

Clarissa's P.O.V.

"It won't hurt," They had said to me. I bet they just said that so I wouldn't start freaking out. I'm laying here completely numb head to toe. I can't even explain what they did to me. It was way worse than what Juliet had done. They drained almost all of the blood in my system and injected this mystery liquid into me. I don't know what it's suppose to do. I'm kind of afraid. The worse part is that they cut my stomach open. I don't even know what they were doing down there. What is in my stomach that they need to check.

They left me about an hour ago all by myself. I couldn't do anything anyway. I was tied down to a metal table and I am so sore and numb in places. They didn't even sew my tummy back up. Not like they need to anyway. But It's going to take forever for me to heal since I have no good blood in my system. 

I move my head around side to side to examine the room. It seems like a whole hospital in one room. There is so much equipment in here. I wiggle my hands and tug at the straps that are holding me down. It's no use. It felt like something was bubbling up in my veins. It tickled. I started to laugh hysterically. I couldn't help myself.  Then it started to feel like someone was scratching my veins. It hurt, but not that much. I could handle the pain. But it wasn't done yet. It started to feel like I was on fire. It spread throughout my whole body slowly. I guess this is how it feels being burnt alive. Poor civilians. This is probably what it felt like when innocent women were being burnt alive during the Salem Witch Trials. I thrashed around on the top of the table. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't take it.

I must have passed out from all the pain because I woke up sore on the floor of my cell. I usually thought that floors were comfortable to lay down. But this one, not so comfortable. I place my hands both on the floor and slowly push myself so that I am sitting upward. I groaned on my way up. 

"You ok?" I recognize Magda's voice. It was so calming. 

"I guess. It was terrible what they did to me though. I'm still very hungry, my veins burn, and i'm so sore." I complained. 

"They got that far with you already?" She gasped. That far? What's that suppose to mean?

"Uh, what's that suppose to mean?" I ask uneasy. 

" They didn't give me the burning liquid until my second ish week here. But with you, they gave it to you the very first day. That could mean two things though. They either changed up the liquid so it would work right away or, maybe you are strong enough to handle it without going through everything first." She explained to me. 

"What did they do with you? If you don't mind me asking,"

"Well," She paused for a little pit."They started out by draining my blood. Not all of it though. Then, everyday they would give me a different fluids to help prepare me for the big major one." She paused once again. " The fluid that's suppose to change you."

Change me? I don't want to be changed though. I thought I was strong enough as it is,being an original and all. How are these changes going to affect me? Am I still gonna be me? Am I still going to love Andy?

Andy. I miss him so much. He finally said I love you to me but was it even worth it? Now that I'm probably never going to see him again. But I am not losing hope. One day I will be back together with Andy. No matter how long that takes. I'm not going to move on and fall in love with someone else. I just don't know if Andy is thinking the same thing. Is he even going to try to find me? Or am I left to defend for myself? What if they are so sick of saving me from everything that they just decided to give up and leave me here. I will never see the boy's again. Never hear their laughs. Instead, I'll be stuck here being experimented on every single day for probably the rest of my life. 

I finally bring myself to say, "What kind of changes are going to be happening to me exactly?" 

"Well, first of all, you are going to be so much stronger then you are now. Even if that seems hard to imagine. Your hunger will also go skyrocketing. You are going to be craving blood about 15 times a day. It doesn't matter how much of it you drink. You will always want more. They are basically going to turn you into a hunter. You may be wondering what you are going to be hunting. Humans. I overheard the council talking upstairs because my hearing is extraordinary. They were talking about gathering the whole human race and turning them into our slaves. They just didn't know where to start. When they saw what the tests did to me, that's when they started to search for you because they knew that you were alive. I think they are going to try and use you to create this whole system they want." 

"But how can they use one person, who is me, to get like 7 billion people gathered up and put into a slave system?" I ask. I feel like you would need a whole vampire army to accomplish that. Not even.

"I think that's what they are stuck on. My guess is that they are going to make a powerful fluid to inject into regular vampires so they can be as strong as us. The fluid that they use on us would simply kill a regular vampire. I know this because they tested it on a volunteer. Crazy to think that anyone would volunteer for such a thing." She clicked her tongue when she finished the sentence.

"I have so many questions to ask you," I tell her. 

She took a deep breath. It must be hard for her to talk about this. 

"Don't say anything right now, they are coming. Pretend that your asleep. They might leave you alone if you do."

"But what --" I was cut short when the door at the top of the steps swung open. I did what Magda had to me and laid back down. Trying my hardest not to groan. Once I was all the way down I closed my eyes and acted like I was passed out. I was never really good at that. 

"She's sleeping," One of them said. "I think we should wait until she is conscious again,"

"No, we have no time for that. We need to get her into testing now,"

I was so close to staying down here. I heard them unlock the screechy cell door and grabbed me. I accidentally popped my eyes open. 

"Ah it looks like we came just in time anyway," Said the man carrying me upstairs. 

It was the same routine as last time. They put me on the hard metal table and strapped me down. They got all their equipment ready and put on gloves this time. Someone held my head down so I couldn't see what was happening and made me stare into their eyes. Their eyes were a gold ish color.  It was really pretty. I wonder how those colored eyes would look like on Andy. Eh. His blue eyes really pop out. They make him who he is. 

As my mind was all focused on Andy and this person's gold eyes, I felt another needle poke into my arm. I was expecting another episode of pain but that's not what happened. Power rushed through my veins. I got a quick glance at what they were putting into me. It was blood. It was so much darker than the regular color. It felt so much better running through my veins. I felt like I could just rip out of the straps that are holding me down. I pushed my arms up and then the straps ripped clean off the side of the table. An instant later another needle was jabbed into my side. All of the energy was just stolen away from me. I slumped down into the table.

"It worked!" One cheered and everyone else joined. I think I just made a mistake. Showing them that the blood that they gave me just worked gave them an advantage. Whatever they are trying to do to me, they know it works. All because of a simple little action that I did. I wonder what Andy would do in this situation. He is so much smarter at handling things like this. 

"It's time to take the next step." They said as they pulled out syringes with purple color liquid inside. "This wont hurt to much," They say once again. They jabbed it into my skin and the liquid flowed in. My arm started to tingle. I started to shake uncontrollably. Then, my eyes started to twitch and itch. Then, that flaming stinging pain spread through my body once again. 


I did this in two days!!! I feel so accomplished. I just couldn't stop writing because all of these ideas were running through my head. I was going to wait until Friday to update this but I feel the need to update it now! Enjoy

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