Part Nine

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Clarissa's Pov

I woke up to a pounding head ache. What happened? All I remember is dancing with Matt, Andy getting all touchy feely with other girls, and vampires taking me away from Matt. After that, i do not remember anything.

I sit up and make my way to the shower. I smell like alcohal. That explains it. Why did i drink in the first place? Doesnt sound like me at all. I scrub at my hair and body to get the smell away. It might help if i brush my teeth.

I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth. As I looked in the mirror I saw another bite mark. Are you serious. I felt a lot better besides the fact of someone turning me into a walking happy meal. I also had a killer head ache. 

As usual, I look at the back of the door for the list. There was none. I was certain that i would had to help clean up from the party last night. I shrugged my shoulders at the door and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. Andy and Cc were sitting at the table just chatting with each other. Both of their eyes landed on me as I made my way to the fridge.

"Well goodmoring!"Cc shouted

"Could you be a little bit quieter?" I ask him clutching my ears.

"Ah is it your first hangover?"

"As a matter of fact it is, And who ever thought it was ok to turn me into a happy meal last night is going to get it." I said and looked at Andy.

"You really think I was the one that did that. I bet you wish I did," Whats gotten into him.

"No not really. Having your fangs sink into my skin is not something I wish would happen," I shot back at him. If he is going to play a game I will to.

"Oh honey don't worry, You don't have to pretend, I already know you want this," He gestured to himself. I rolled my eyes. When did he get so nice? Bi-polar maybe?

"So what am I suppose to do today," I asked

"Nice way to change the subject, I win." Andy smirked.

"Today is the day off. You can do what ever you want" Cc told me

"Wow we actually get days off, Its a wish come true." I noticed how sarcasically i was talking yet, i was not being launched all the way across the room by Andy.

"Yea so scat, We need to take care of some buisness," Andy said. He was lying.

"Fine, let me get my breakfast first, quick question, why are you being so nice to me.

"What, am I not aloud little slave?" Questioned Andy.

"No..... wait yes. I am just surprised I am not being punished right now" Cc started laughing.

"Thats true Andy, You do seem a lot nicer today than you were when you tried throwing her through the floor," Cc barely got through the sentence without bursting with laughter. Andy didn't reply. He seemed, shocked. Why? I would ask him but I probably shouldn't.


After I finished my breakfast, I went to find Matt, Sammi, and Sarah. I found them all huddled together in one of the rooms that i have never been in before.

"Hey guys," I say

"Oh hey Clary" Matt said.

"What you guys doing,"

"Oh nothing," Sarah said. Something was definitly going on. When is something not? I decided to let it slide.

"We should do something since its free day," Matt said,

"Yea whats there to do?" I asked

"We could go for a walk, they have a little path out back," Sammi said.

"Okay you guys lead the way," I told them.

Sarah and Sammi were walking ahead of Matt and I. We were having a little conversation. Nothing important. As we were walking Matt slid his hand into mine. I gladly took it. I could feel a sigh of relief come from him. Was he that worried of being rejected? I heard a low growl come from my left. I looked to see Andy glaring at Matt and our hands as he walked passed. Yea, I think he is bi-polar.


The path was beautiful. Flowers of all sorts crowed around the walk way. It was also very peaceful. I was still holding Matts hand. For some odd reason as we were walking, I was imagining if I would ever have a normal life again. Most likely not. Once a vampire slave always a vampire slave. Even when I tried my hardest to see if I could imagine the future, I couldn't. All I saw was Andy. My very interesting Owner.


Yay finally got done writing this part. Sorry I didn't get this uploaded earlier. Thank you so much for almost 600 reads. I am so grateful for all of you guys reading my story. If you think I could work on anything definetly tell me and I will work on that.

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