Part six

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I am ashamed of my foolish actions, I seriously tripped...... On myself. I kept my face on the floor because i did not want to see andys face.

"What are you doing Clarissa?" He asked.

"Admiring your floor, Its nice and glossy," DID I SERIOUSLY JUST SAY THAT?! I hear the other guy in the room chuckle.

I was being picked up by someone tugging on a chunck of my hair. I came face to face with andy. He did not look so happy. 

"Tell me why you ended up on the floor in my bedroom," He growled.

"I uh, was coming to your room because a man named jinxx said you needed to speak with me. And than you were talking to him so i didn't want to interupt,"

"So you were eavesdropping on us instead?"

"No.... Not intensionally sir." I panicked. I was thrown to the wall. I landed with a loud thud. I swear if he threw me any harder i would have went straight through the wall. 

"Andy your going to end up killing her!" the man said 

"Don't tell me how to treat my slave cc." So that was his name. CC. than you got a man named jinxx. Why couldn't my name be as awesome as theirs. Cc retreated out of the room. I was really dizzy right now. Andy walked over to me and Smacked me right across the face.

"That all ya got," I challenged him. Why am i so stupid

He lifted me up and slammed me onto the floor. The pain was to much to handle, i cried out. He just might have damaged my hip bone. I tried to lift myself off of the floor but i couldn't. I just lay on his floor hopeless. Tears start to cloud up my vision.

"Now you have learned your lesson go clean yourself up. You look like scum." Thanks for the self esteem booster.

"i know i do ," I whisper. He looked at me, but this time it wasn't hate. It was like he couldn't believe i actually agreed on looking like a scum. I kept eye contact with him for about two seconds than left. I went down stairs to get an icepack for my hip. Minds well tape icepacks to my whole body. I open the freezer to get an icepack when i hear a gasp. I look to see who made the sound and it was Matt.

"What did that bastard do to you," He sounded worried.

"Just threw me at the wall and floor, no biggie." I said sarcasically.

"Here let me clean you up." He grabbed a washcloth from a cabbnit and put warm water on it. He started dabbing the blood that was on my face. He was being so gental to make sure he didn't hurt me.

"I do not know how he could hurt such a beautiful girl like you," He said. That made my heart do a back flip

"Well he called me scum so thats proabably why" I replied sadly

"Don't listen to him, you are beautiful and he is blind for not seeing that." I could feel my cheeks burning up. 

He took care of the rest of my wounds. I could hear bumping noises coming from andys room. That sounded scandalous. Im positive i didn't see anyone else go in there but if someone did, go him i guess. He seems like a lonely man child. Whatever that is. 

I didn't have to do anymore chores so i went up to my room. There were a couple of books stacked on my desk and a post it note on top. It read Just a little something for you when you get done with chores and have nothing to do~ Jinxx & CC Why is it that Jinxx and CC are so much more nicer than andy is? I bet they don't treat there slaves like scum. I looked through the books. It was all Shakespear. Why not give them a try. I pick up one of the books and read them to waste time. Not like time is much valued by me anymore.

Andy's Pov

 Maybe i did treat her a little badly. Wait, what am i saying. I treated my other slaves the same exact way, Maybe even worse. I couldn't believe she actually agreed that she looked like scum. I just said that to make her feel bad but apparently she already has a low self-esteem. I slammbed my fist into the wall because of all of my anger. It wouldn't be fair to take it all out on her.

That little Matt guy is really getting out of my nerves to. I heard their whole conversation. No i am not jealous. She is my slave though.So that means she belongs to me. I do not have any feelings for her though. Im positive.


Finally updated. What do you guys think about matt and Clary? Also got Andy's pov in there finally. Do you think he likes Clary? Also thanks for all of the reads it means a lot to me, You guys are awesome!

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