Part 31

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My phone was blowing up on Thanksgiving with notifications, you guys are amazing!

Clary's Pov

My head, it hurts so bad. It felt like my brain was going to punch it's why through my skull. I look around and see that I'm in a bed. When did I get here? I look at my clothes and see that they are covered in blood. What the hell! My heart starts pounding against my chest. What did I do this time?

I rush up to the bathroom and see my mouth stained with blood. What the actual fuck did I do?! I put a lot of soap in my hand and start scrubbing at my mouth. I don't remember anything that has happened. The last thing I can remember was when I went into the cellar to say sorry to Juliet, and then she bit me. I look at my neck through the mirror and see that the bite is not there. I leave the bathroom and look through the drawers expecting my clothing to be placed in them. But it was nothing but boy shirts. I pick one up and awkwardly smell it, yeah this is Andy's. I take off my shirt and slide his on. It was like a dress on me! I slide off my pants and don't bother to put any others on because of how long this shirt is on me. 

I stick my head out of the door and look both ways. I do not know why I am sneaking around like this. What day is it anyway? Different thoughts kept rushing through my head. I hear a door slam. I expected someone to be behind me but no one was there. That's weird, it sounded like that was really close to me. A scent pushed it's way up my nostrils, It smelled so good. The smell triggered something in my mind. I see myself waking up in the infirmary, with controllable hunger. That's all that I remember. I keep walking down the hallway, not sure about what I am looking for.

"What are we going to do?" I hear Jinxx say. I look around. It sounded like he was right behind me.

"I have no clue," Andy replied. 

"Andy," I whisper. Where is Andy? I start looking in all of the rooms upstairs. I need to be by Andy. Where is he? I can't find him anywhere. It freaking sounds like he is by me. More images raced through my mind.

"Andy?" I call out looking around the infirmary. Where is he? I see the nurses start crowding around me. An unbearable hunger strikes me. When was the last time I ate. I look at a nurse in the eye, I can hear her heart beat. I can hear the blood rushing through her veins, blood. I pounce onto the nurse and sink my teeth into her neck. Her screeches filled the room. All of the nurses started to flee but I was faster than them and closed the door. They were all trapped in here. One by one I started to feed off of them. Some of the nurses were dead.

What did I just see? Was that me? My knees start to give in and I fall to the ground. That same hunger I was feeling in that flash back or whatever that was came back to me. I bring myself back on my feet and let my body take me where ever it is. I don't know what I am doing, I think I'm following a scent. I go down the steps and see one of the servants stop dead in their tracks when they see me. They went extremely pale. I feel something cut into the top of my lip. That was not what had most of my attention though, I kept looking at her neck. I walk towards her and she starts screaming. Just like that one nurse. People came rushing out of the rooms and stopped when they say me. They also looked terrified. The hunger that I am feeling is terrible, I can't stand it anymore! I fling myself and the little servant but someone holds me back. I look up and see Ashley struggling to keep my down. I fight his hold. 

"Clary stop it," Ashley said.

"NO you can't tell ME what TO DO," I yell at him. I start clawing at his arms and he hisses.

"CLARISSA," My head snaps over to the voice. ANDY. I immediately stop. The sight of him brought a new hunger to me. But not in a eating manor. I got out of Ashley's grip and rush over to Andy and cling onto him. He wraps his arms around me.  

"Everyone get back to work," And told the servants. " And you," He said gesturing to me," Lets get you something to eat," He took me into the kitchen and opened a box. It was filled with blood bags. He handed one over. "You need to learn to control your hunger, no more feeding off humans, for now that is." I look up at him like a little child.

"Andy, what am I?" My voice shaken with fear. I was absolutely clueless.

"You are me," He said. Really, a riddle. It took me a second to think it out. You are me. You are me. You. Are. Me. Andy is a vampire. Vampire. 

"No no no that can't be?" I tell him.

"What human goes around killing nurses with their teeth and has super strength and hearing and everything else." 

" A psycho." 

"Oh why thanks, no offense taken." Andy told me. 

"Why did you change me? Why didn't you just let Juliet kill me?"

"Because I care about you too much," 

"You weren't there when I woke up,"

" I know baby I know." I look up at him. I hand the pouch of blood up to him. "Why you giving that to me?" 

"Open it pwease?" I started to talk like a kid. Since I was new to this whole vampire thing why not make me a kid again. He snatched up the pouch and bit into it with his teeth. He handed it back to me and I just look at it. "How do I eat this?" I ask.

"You suck it,"

"Hehe," Andy looked like he was getting annoyed. He grabbed the pouch and tilted my head back and opened my mouth. He started squirting the blood in. I started to choke. This tasted nastyy. I started to spit it out.

"No you need to drink this."

"I don't wanna,"

"stop pushing it Clarissa," I looked up at him and saw his face. I know what usually happened if I didn't listen to him. I take the pouch from him and start to drink it. Through all of the gags and little vomit, I finally finished the blood. " You should get some rest," Andy told me. But I wanted to be with him.

"Ok, Only if you come with me." I smirk at him.

"Don't mind if I do." 

We go up into Andy's room and go into his bed. Andy closed his eyes and started to 'sleep'. I looked at him for the longest time.

"What are you looking at. Sleep woman."

" I don't want to," He lifts one of his eyes lids. I scoot closer to him. I start to lean my face closer and closer to his. Soon our lips touched. It was a nice gentle kiss. But then it started to get heated. I ran my hands through his hair and his hands were on my hips. I pinned him to the bed and got on top of him. But then more images flashed passed my eyes.

Who is In his room? She is laughing. He can't have a girl in his room. I rush up to his room and open the door slowly. I peek in and see the slut on top of Andy. AW HELL NAH. I grab her by the neck and through her to the wall. I hear every single bone in her body break. I also heard my heart break. But I was highly satisfied. I saw Andy staring at me. I looked right back at him. I started to get very light headed, I then crashed to the ground. Typical me.

I came back to reality. He was going to fuck her. I don't understand. The same day I turn into a vampire he decides to hook up with a slut. I stop what I am doing.

"You were going to fuck her," Andy looked startled.

"Clary, no. I was drunk."

"Excuses excuses," 

"Just listen to me."

"I don't need to listen to you anymore." 

I got off of him and stormed out of the room. Which one was Ashley's room again?


Tell me what you guys think about this chapter. I don't know If i like it or not. It could be better. Chapter 30 will always be my favorite though

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