Part 28

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Andy's pov
"Tell me about Clary's power." I yell at juliet again. She looks at me with hatred as I spray vervain on her with a spray bottle. She hisses at me.
"You will never know!" She screams. I'm not gonna get anything out of her. She is a tough fighter. I know this. She was held hostage before by elites and she fought through them. That's when she made me a vampire so she could forget about what happened when they took her and we could great lovers. I haven't seen her this afraid since. Ha she was only afraid of Elites...........wait. She is only afraid of Elites. But she is afraid of Clary.

"Does Clary have Elite powers?" I look Juliet right in the eye. She has tell me this. She is not getting out of this.

"You will never know! You will use her against us. She will have all the power and kill all of us off!!!!! even you!" Clary would never do that. But she seems way more afraid of her than she ever was with the elite.

"You have to tell me sooner or later dear," I say to her.

"Never!" I spray her with more vervain. Well if I can't get the answer out of her myself minds well bring down her fear.

Clarys Pov

I was shaken awake by Andy. Worst way to wake a very sore person up.

"Ow" I mumer.

"Sorry. Hey i need you too come with me. Its important."

"Ok then."

My feet hit the cold tiled floor below me. I shiver. I follow Andy down the hall and he opens a door that leads to a bunch of stairs. I stare at them. My mind starts to shut down.

"There is no way im going down there," I start to panick. My breathing runs away from me. I get very light headed.

"Its ok. I'm not gonna hurt you. We are just gonna visit someone."

He grabs my hand and slowly walks me down the stairs. I see Juliet and this random person strung up to a wall. I can't look at her. All of the pain she has caused me, how much she broke my mind. 

"I need you to get the answer out of her about her power."

"How am i suppose to do that,"

"Thats your decison,"

"Ew get that bitch out of here," Juliet hissed. Andy sprayed her with some liquid that was in a bottle. It started to burn at her skin. My eyes get wide.

"Its vervain. That might help you get the answer out of her."

"I don't want to hurt anyone."

"This is for the best," Andy told me. So does that mean Juliet taking me was for the best? I just look at Juliet. She looks tired, and afraid.

"She tortured you clary, Only fed you every once in a while. You had no one to talk to." Andy reminded me. Something inside me arose. I stared at Juliet with hatred. I took the cap off the bottle of vervain and splashed it all over her face. She screams. 

"You DESTROYED ME, YOU HURT ME. NOW, I HURT YOU" I grab her hair and rip out a chunk. She holds back her cry. There is a voice in my head screaming at me telling me to stop. But this power I feel. This power that i have, It feels so good. I yank her off the ground and pull off her chains. I managed to throw her to the back wall. She smacked into it and fell to the ground. Her friend was staring at me. Terrifyed. Juliet lay there limp and I fill a big bucket up with the vervain. And when i say big i mean Juilet could fit in it big. I dump as much vervain in there as possible and grab Juliet. I lift her up and slowly dunk her into the Bucket.


"Not good enough bitch" I push her all they way under the vervain. She is twisting and turning under my grip. I smile down and her. I yank her out. She was all raw flesh. But it started to heal instantly. Andy was just observing in the corner. He looked surprised by my actions. I stare down at Juliet. My instincts are telling me to reach my hand in her chest and just rip her heart out. I draw my fist back but andy rushes over to me and grabs my arm.

"No no no no you can't kill her. Just calm down clary," I was suddenly brought back to reality. I saw Juliet rocking back and forth in the corner of the basement. I did that to her. The chunk of hair gone, I pulled that out of her head. I'm horrifyed by my own actions. I run upstairs into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. There is blood on my hands (Hollywood undead baby) Smudges of blood on my face. I am a monster. I just hurt someone. I didn't want to but I didn't stop myself. I scrub at my hands until all of the blood is off. I almost killed her! I would have been a murderer! 

Instead of going back to the little infirmary i go up to my room. Im not a monster. I say over and over in my head. I can't reverse what i just had done. What is the originals anyway? I was born in the family? But i am not even a vampire? How could I be apart of the Originals. 

"Knock Knock" Andy says as he opens the door. A guilty look on his face.

"Im a monster," I sob. Andy comes by me and wraps me in his arms. I felt safe. But he was the one that told me to do that. Well not all of that. 

"No youre not. She did all of that stuff to you too. Besides the vervain part,"

"I dont want to be anything like her Andy. And I almost killed her. If it wasn't for you she would be laying down there dead and i would be in here being a murderer."

"Oh don't think of it like that"

"But that is exactly what it is!" Jinxx peeks through the door. He sees me crying. But i could tell he already knows why. He heard the whole thing. 

"Andy i think you need to leave. You can't encourage people to torture someone and then try to convince them that its ok. Come here Clary," I run to Jinxx. I look at Andy with an apologetic look. I never wanted things to end up this way. I never wanted to hurt anybody. Even if it was Juliet. 

"Fine. I have to do research on the Original family though, Apartly Clary is one of them."

"What? No thats impossible. We got rid of all the elites and originals."

"Well we must have missed one." Andy exited the room. Jinxx turns to me and looks at me long and hard.

"Im not gonna say that everything is going to be ok because it isn't. You are probably going to be going through extreme guilt because of what happened down there. Why did you do it anyway?"

"Well like you already know andy told me to but I didn't want to. But all of a sudden this power struck me. I felt so strong and like i could do anything. And then stuff started to happen."

"Maybe I'll go help Andy research. It seems like we got a lot to learn about you."Thats exactly what I need. If Juliet is afraid of me what are the rest of the guys gonna think. Ditch me out in the middle of no where because they are too afraid to have me under the same roof as them? The possibilities are endless. Now I just have to wait and see who and what I truely am.


So that action though. I hope you guys enjoyed. You guys are the reason why this story exsists and why i keep writing. All of your comments just mean the world to me and you guys are awesome. Keep reading

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