Part Five

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I wake up in my bed the next morining. Images of last night came flooding into my mind. I couldn't help but feel like he betrayed me. I bring my hand to my neck and feel two little punctures on it. I walk over to my mirror to get a good look at what he had done. There were two really red punctures at the side of my neck. Barley healed. Asshole. 

My head started pounding. If my head does this after every time he feeds from me, ill.... i have no clue what i am going to do because its not like i can escape. Everyone knows that it is impossible to hide from a vampire so why try?

I slip on different clothes and look at the other side of my door for the chore sheet. Nice i get to have breakfast, I have to do the dishes again,  Feed and groom the horses. They have horses? I do not remember seeing a barn when we arrived.

I walk down to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I grabbed a cereal box out of the cabnet and milk out of the fridge. I didn't know how hungry i was until now. I ended up finishing the whole box of cereal. What can i say, i girl needs to eat. 

I look at the sink and there was two piles of dishes. How many people live here? I just did these yesterday. anyways don't they have kitchen slaves or something? I fill the sink with water and dish soap. At times like this, i miss the dish washer. I scrub at the dishes to make sure that all of the food is off. Gross. I dry them and put them away. Done.

Now its time to see the horses. I have no clue where the barn is. I get my tennis shoes and put them on. As i wonder around stupidly another tall man approaches me

"Are you lost?" He asked me.

"Yes, A little bit, Do you know where the barn is?"

" Go out through the back doors and it should be to the left," He told me.

"Um sir? could i know your name?" I asked hoping that i wans't about to get a punch to the face.

"Jinxx" Pfft. Thats a funny name... I like it.

"Nice to meet you."

"Now run along, i hear that andy needs to speak with you after your done.

"Really? Great i look forward to it," i said sarcassicly 

"I wouldn't use that tone around him. He isnt a really laid back person."

"Yea i learned that the hard way, Well i should get going, nice to meet you again."

"yup" He started to walk away. My guess is that he is a vampire but a nice one. I wish he was my master.

I make my way over to the barn. It was a nice looking barn, Not like the old rotten ones you would see driving out in the middle of nowhere. I push open the doors and it lets out a creaky noise. i cringe. I hate noises like that. It reminds me of the cheesy but scary movies. There were only 3 horses in the barn so this shouldn't take long.

"What are you doing here," Someone askes

"Uh, well i was told to feed and groom the horses."

"Your new here arnt you, Who do you belong to?"


"Ah i wish you luck. Not many slaves have even survived a month with him, and you already got bit so,"

" How do you know i got bit?"

"There are two little holes on the side of your neck,"

"Oh wow im stupid. Well my name is clarissa by the way. You can call me clary."

"Haha well my name is Matt," His laugh was so adorable. Same with his smile.

"Nice to meet you,"

"You too, and by the way, the horses were already fed and groomed."

"Oh, well i guess i need to go than, Andy needed to speak to me,"

"Good luck clary, Don't get him angry. I would like to see you here more than 1 week,"

"Thanks, i don't plan on getting him mad," Than i walked away.Why would i need to go to the barn if everything was already done?


I was walking to andy's door, it was opened up a little and i coulld hear voices,

"I don't know, she is different," I hear andy say

"But thats what you said about all of the other slaves," An unfamiliar voice spoke

"No, I swear, She is totally different. Her blood was very rich like no one elses,"

"Do you think she could be........" There was a long pause. I could be what?I leaned a little bit closer to the door and i tripped. I pushed the rest of the door open with me. I kept my head on the floor because i didn't want to see the look on his face. I was ready for a really bad punishment.


Sorry if there are any errors. Thanks for reading the story. If you have any opinions about what i could work on i would love to see them in the comment area and would be more than happy to take your guys opinions.

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