Part 22

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Ashley's pov
We barge through the door to draw attention to us. We need to treat Clary now other wise she could die.
"What's all this noise?" Andy complained as he came racing down the steps. His face got even paler than it is already when he saw me holding a very skinny and beat up Clary. He put up his arms as if a gesture to make me hand her over.

"No you will not touch her. I bet she is disgusted with you" I spat at him. She better not forgive him. I'm that one that saved her. 

"You can't tell me what to do,"

"The hell I can" I turn around and take Clary to our little infirmary at the back of the house with CC and Andy on my heels. 

"We need medical help now," CC told them. They took her from my arms and put her on the bed and hooked her up to all of the tubes and stuff. 

"Her heart beat is very slow but she is still alive."

"Of course she is still alive her heart is beating," Andy blurted out. The medical slave didnt say anything.

"She hasn't been eating anything for the past couple days so her insides are slowly shutting down." 

"Well you can fix it right?" I ask

"Yes we can we need to hook her up to a feeding tube and make she gets the nutrients she needs back in her body. She is very underweight"


"We are going to need to do a little operation so if you guys could excuse us and step out,"

"I don't wanna see this anyway" CC said and ran out of the room. I'd prefer to stay right by her side while they do what ever operation they need to but I guees I can't. I walk out of the room and start pacing back and forth. I swear if they can't save her I'm going to have a mental break down. I have some fucking strong feelings for this girl and there is no way that I am going to let her die. But if the operation doesn't work there is another option. One that she may not like. 

But I am not going to let her die. So if I have to turn her into a vampire I will. But the thing is I don't think I am the one that gets to change her. Whenever her and Andy are together there is this power I can feel between them and if it is what I think it is, they are mates. But that doesn't mean she can't get with me. At least I think. I don't think she will like Andy as much as she used to once she wakes up and sees him. I wouldn't want to live under the same roof with the person that sent me off to be tortured.

"Hey uh thank you for saving her"

"Yea cause if i didn't save her you wouldn't have even got up off your lazy ass and find her yourself Andy"

"I care about her"

"Yea? well if you cared about her so fucking much you would have been the one to find her in that cellar and carried her all the way home. Not even you wouldn't of even let Juliet take her away!" I was not going to let Andy get away with this. He had nothing else to reply to that.

"Thought so motherfucker," Its fun to use peoples own words against them. He grabbed me by the top of my shirt and lifted me off the ground. 

"Never say that again,"

"Ok Ok" No im not afraid of andy but saying that he is the prince if he really wanted to be cruel he could have me exterminated. But Andy wouldn't do that. I think.


Heres a little update for you guys. Have a better one coming out this weekend. Enjoy

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