Part 19

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Clarissa's pov
"Where are you taking me?"
"As far away from Andy as possible"
"Oh honey. The only way I can become queen is if I marry Andy. But since you're in the way that may not happen, so darling, I have to get you out of the way."
Those words scare me. I have to get you out of the way. As in getting me far away or killing me. But really that didn't even bother me as much as what Andy had said. First we are having this really big moment but than he decides to tell Juliet that he has no feelings for me at all. That man hoe. The car came to a complete stop and I was grabbed out of the car. We were in the middle of the woods and juliet was taking me to this creepy ass house. I don't wanna go in there. I've seen the movie mama. Oh hell no. She kicks open the door and brings me inside. Its not that bad but still creepy. She opens up another door that led down stairs into a dark cold room. She turned on the lights and this place looked like a fucking dungeon.
"This is where you are gonna be staying for well basically the rest of your life"
"No no no. Aw hell no"
"So not sorry little girl"
She takes me to the wall and ties me to the chains. She makes sure it's secure before backing up
"You're gonna starve down here." She takes a couple steps to the door.
"Wait. No. You could be very useful to me. So you won't starve. Well maybe a little."
She walks over to me and slaps me right across the face. But that's not all she did. She kicked me in the stomach with her stupid spiky high heels. I couldn't stop coughing. I thought I was gonna throw up. Well if I do, make sure i get it on her. She turned around and turned off the light. I heard her heels stomping up the stairs and then the last bit of light coming from the open door disappeared. I was in the pitch black in a creepy ass dungeon. I try to pry off the chains but it's no use. Its like the man of steal. I started to laugh at my own very stupid joke. I'm already losing my sanity and I've only been down her for what? 2 minutes? I try to get in a laying down position but the chains wouldn't let me. So I just try to get comfortable sitting against the wall. If I can't do anything important minds well sleep. Because sleep, is so very important. I close my eyes for about 10 minutes but than I hear something rattle. It seems like it came from across the room. This is starting to scare the shit out of me. Speaking of shit how am I suppose to go to the bathroom down here. And it's very cold. Are there rats down here? Man I'm annoying myself with all of these questions. The rattling noise happened again and it seemed like it was right in front of me. I close my eyes. Not like I would actually see anything but I'm scared shit less right now. I swore I heard whispering noises. I started to cry. This shit only happens in horror movies. I swore something touched my foot and I literally had a body spasm. I couldn't handle it. Just being down here for a little while Is driving me insane! How much longer can I stay down here until I lose my sanity and Start talking to the wall like it's my best friend? I tried to wipe away the tears. No this is exactly what juliet wants. She wants me to break apart. And I'm not going to let that happen. All I need to do is find things to keep myself busy and not lose my mind. My head shot up as I heard the door open. It was nothing to be excited about because Juliets loud ass heels came clucking down the stairs. The lights turned on and I had to squint. It was so bright
"Here you need to eat something other wise your not gonna be useful to me."
I look at the plate and cup she set down in front of me. The cup had water in it and the plate had two small pieces of bread.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because I can now eat."
She kicks me in the stomach so hard this time that I actually cough up blood. I grab the water and chug it down. Then I eat the bread. That was stupid. I should of ate the bread then drank the water because bread tends to make people thirsty.
"Good little slave. Now I'm not gonna be back for 2 days so make sure you don't do anything stupid. Have fun starving!" With that she turned off the light again and went back upstairs. I heard the door slam and a car start. I started to sob. Two whole days I'm gonna be down here all by myself. This place is creepy. I don't even care if juliet was here as long as I didn't need to be alone. But I can't really do anything about that now. I tried to get comfortable again as I try to go to sleep. Thankfully I didn't hear the rattling noise after that
I updated! Hopefully this makes up for the really sucky chapter I had before this. Well I hope you guys enjoy. Btw I personally love juliet she is one of the nicest people I have met. But she just fits the part well cause she is bad ass.

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