Part 32

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Clarissa's P.O.V

I pushed the door to Ashley's room open slowly. It was completely dark in there. It took time for my eyes to adjust. Soon, I could see everything clearly. Ashley wasn't in here. I make my way over to his bed and cuddle into the sheets. Did I like Ashley? I honestly have no clue. I like the feeling of having him around because I know that I'll be safe but whenever I'm around Andy, he makes me feel wanted. I yearn for his touch. I don't feel like that towards Ashley. Ashley has nice brown eyes but Andy, oh my lawd his eyes are like looking  into the ocean. It's like looking into the clear blue summer skies. I feel like there is also someone else that I have a crush on but I'm not sure who it is. I can't really put my finger on it. 

I close my eyes and wait for Ashley to come in. But at the same time, I hope he doesn't. It is not like I came in here to have sha bang bang with him. This is probably the last place that Andy would look for me. I start drifting into sleep. 

There are people everywhere. I can hear their heart beats, I can smell their blood. Every person I look at I would look at their necks, yearning to sink my teeth into them. Then there was a black out, I couldn't see anything. Everyone was screaming. The lights finally turn on and I have a person in my arms with my teeth sunk into their neck. The blood didn't taste like the nurses, It was a little more bitter. I drop the person on the ground and my eyes first scan the very long legs, the black hair, and the blue eyes losing light. I just drank Andy's blood.

I dart up in bed. Sweat drenched my clothes. I look around and noticed that I was back in my room. Ashley must have took me here. I take in some deep breaths to slow down my heart. But than the thought occurred to me, my heart doesn't beat anymore. I press around my wrist just wishing I could feel one beat. Maybe I was still human. But, there was nothing. Out of all the things I was wondering, my main concern was why I was drinking Andy's blood. He isn't even human. He is a vampire. Did he have these kinds of dreams when he first turned too? Did he ever drink a vampires blood? Maybe I should ask him. I'm curious. Or what If I ask Cc? I haven't talked to him in a while. He could also give me the answers I need.


"You asked me if I ever what?" Cc asked as if he didn't hear my question the first time.

"I was wondering if you ever drank vampire blood," I told him. He frowned. He cocked his head to both sides examining me.

"No, that is absolutely disgusting. I'd never do such a thing." He told me. Maybe he was the wrong person to ask about this. " Why are you asking this?" He questioned me.

"Ah no reason, just curious," The words ran out of my mouth. I hope he believed it. I can't tell him about the dream. He will just tell me that is nasty and that I probably dreamed and killing Andy and drinking his blood because I would want revenge for when I was a human or I was thirsty for him.

"Clary, I can tell when you're lying. Now, spit it up," He looked at me with a serious face. There is no getting out of this one. And who can lie to Cc anyway?

"Well I might of had this dream. I was drinking a vampires blood." I stopped there. I wasn't going to tell him who. He looked puzzled and confused.

"Well than, that is uh.. weird." He was gagging on his words. I knew that this was going to happen. 

"Just don't tell any of the guys, I don't need to see your reaction 4 more times." 


"No," He put his hands up in surrender. 

"OK Ok ok, I will not tell them about your dream." That was a reliever. Could I trust him though.

"Hey I'm hungry. Could we possibly get something to eat, or more like drink?"

"You are not asking if you could drink for me right?" He chuckled. I glared at him and he got serious as soon as possible. "Ah yea lets go to the kitchen.

I follow Cc down to the kitchen to get some blood bags. He opened the refrigerator and tossed me a bag. We sat down at the table than Jake and Jinxx entered the room. 

"Ok guys," Jinxx said. " Clary just turned into a vampire so we need to teach her how to stay in control, how to control her hunger, and especially how to control all of her vamped up senses. Hehe get it, Vamped Up!" No one laughed. So I tried my best to hold in my giggle. "Okayy, well than. We were thinking about first seeing how strong you actually are, why don't you arm wrestle Jake."

"Why me?" Jake complained. 

"So she actually has a chance at beating someone," He partially whispered to him.

"Hey I am not weak," Jake shot back at him.

"Well lets see about that,"

"Can't I at least finish my food?" I ask gesturing to the blood bag that I have in my hand.

"Ah yes you can, gives me more time to prepare for our battle," Jake said rolling his shoulders and cracking his fingers. I sipped up the rest of my blood bag and got ready. Jake sat on the other side of my and put his hand up. I locked hands with him and positioned my arm. I felt a tingly feeling in my arm. 

"3 2 1," Jinxx cheered. 

With all of my force I slammed Jake's arm into the side of the table. Not even giving him a chance to use some force against me. His jaw fell open. 

"She is strong," Was all he had to say.

"Well let me verse her." Cc said.

We both got into the ready position and Jinxx counted down. Once again, I won the battle. Cc's jaw also fell open and he backed away. 

"Remind me not to fuck with her," Cc said. Making us laugh.

"Well let me try," Ashley said from the hallway. He made his way over to me and sat down. "Don't be sad when I win this honey pie," He said to me. I smirked at him. Jake, Jinxx, and Cc all counted down. Once the said one I pretend that I was weaker than I actually was. When he started pushing on my arm I slammed his down on the other side, Also breaking the table while doing so. "Uhh no fair."

"I one fair and square Purdy boy," I told him. He made a sad face and stomped his foot on the ground. We were all laughing. None of us even noticed that Andy was standing in the door way. 

"I'd like to give it a shot," He took a seat next to me and put his arm up like the rest of the boys did. I got ready and the boys started to count down. 

"3 2 1," They all chanted. I used all my force to push Andy's arm down. But it wouldn't budge. By the look on his face I could also see he was struggling to push my arm down. Neither of us had moved an inch from our starting position. We kept pushing down on each others arms but no one could move.

"It looks like you guys are equally matched," Jinxx said. I let go of Andy's hand. I didn't want to hold onto it anymore. I'm still mad at him from what I witnessed about two days ago in his room. He looked really sorry. I could see it in his eyes. But I looked away.

"So what else do you guys need to help me control," I asked them.

"Oh there is still a long way to go," Ashley replied.


I hope you guys like the chapter! I feel like I'm rushing it. Or at least forgetting to put in more details. Tell me what you guys think. If there is anything you recommend go ahead and tell me. I would love to hear from you guys on how I could improve on my writing. And remember, Keep voting for Black Veil Brides until December 7th. So far we are winning!

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