Chapter 12

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"I'm sorry momma" I put my face in Demi's chest

"Bea" Mom sighed,

"Why did you hit Maddie?"

"Because she was going to tell Demi" my voice was muffled as I still had my face in Demi's chest, she was rubbing my back

"Demi what was Maddie going to tell you?" I tensed up on Demi's lap and started to cry,

"Shh babygirl, she wont send you away, I promise" the thoughts flooded my brain, and I found myself gasping for air

"Babygirl, calm down" she turned my head gently around to put my ear on her chest

"Listen to my heartbeat babygirl, focus on it, breathe in and out, copy me" I focused on Demi's breathing but couldn't bring myself to copy her

"Babygirl you need to breathe" Demi stood up and carried me to the room next to us, my body was shaking against her,

"Come on babygirl, it's Demi focus on me" I took a shaky breath and continued to copy Demi's pattern

"Good job babygirl, keep going" once I had completely calmed down Demi kissed my forehead and took me back into the room where Dad and Mom were

"Maddie was going to tell me that Bea had a little mishap this morning"

"What do you mean by mishap?"

"Bea cut herself this morning, and did it again whilst she was locked in my bedroom"

"Oh sweetie" Mom opened her arms for me but I tightened my grip on Demi refusing to get out of her embrace

"I want you Dem-Dem"

"Babygirl go give mom a hug, I'll be here ready to cuddle when you want"

"Okay Dem-Dem" I got off of Demi and walked over to mom, giving her a hug

"Sweetie I think, that we might have to send you to rehab" I pushed her off of me and went to run out of the room, tears were streaming down my face, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back into them

"Babygirl, it's going to be okay"

"No Dem-Dem don't let them send me away" mom came closer to me and tried to rub my back but I screamed and jumped away, I wrapped my arms tightly behind Demi's neck refusing to let go

"Sweetie it's what's best for you"


"No sweetie just until your happy"


"sweetie we wouldn't do that, Demi can visit you"

"I want Dem-Dem" Demi wiped my eyes and picked me up

"Mom I'll be back to discus some other options for her" Demi walked out of the room and back to hers, she put me in Dallas' lap

"Babygirl you stay here with Dallas while I go talk to them, I love you" she kissed my forehead and left the room

"What's wrong baby?" Dallas turned me around on her lap so that I was facing her

"They're going to send me away Dally" I erupted into sobs again, Dallas put her hands over my ears as Demi and Mom were yelling, I tried to pull them off considering I don't care what Demi and Mom were yelling about, because I knew it was about me, but her hands wouldn't move off of my ears

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