Chapter 27

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Bea's POV

Demi, Ariana, Lexi, Max and I walked off of the plane to be greeted by a swarm of fucking fans, I mean seriously I just got off of a fucking airplane I am not in the mood for this shit right now, Max got us through the crowd and we all collected our bags.

Not much happened in the five days we spent in Orlando, except that Ariana got custody of Lexi, and Demi and Ariana slayed their concert.

"Hey babygirl, Ari and Lex are going home now" I ran to Lexi and threw my arms around her

"You must text me okay?"

"Okay" we burst out laughing

"It's not a goodbye, it's a see you later"

"Then I'll see you later" I hugged her again and then went and gave Ari a quick hug, they walked out to their car and Demi and I went to ours, we got in the back as Max put our suitcases in the back

"Babygirl, you know that we have to go back to mom's, I've got to talk to Madison about what happened"

"Yeah, I know"

"can I see your arm? I want to check how the scars are healing" I forgot to tell you after my little relapse I kind of kept cutting and Demi can't see that, she'd be so disappointed, I shook my head

"Babygirl, after you relapsed you kept going didn't you?" Demi engulfed me in a huge hug

"I know it's hard babygirl, but please come and talk to me when you need it, anytime even it's it 4am in the morning I don't care, if it stops you from doing it then I don't care what time it is" I broke down into a fit of sobs

"I-I l-love you D-Dem-D-Dem" she kissed my forehead

"I love you too babygirl" her arms unwrapped from around me and started to lift my sleeve

"Babygirl, I hate seeing you do this to yourself" tears were falling down her face; I wiped them away and kissed her cheek. I laid in Demi's arms for the rest of the trip there

"Okay girls, we're here"

"Thank you Max, I'll call you when I need you" Demi and I jumped out of the car and grabbed our suitcases, as Max drove of I started to get more anxious, I thought about taking off down the road but I remembered what happened last time I did that yeah I'd rather face Maddie. I hid behind Demi as she knocked on the door; lucky for me Dallas answered the door

"Dem you're home, Hey baby" Dallas gave Demi a hug then gave me one

"I'm home but not for a good reason, where's Madison?"

"In her room, why?" I was shaking at this point, Demi must have felt it because she turned around and bent down to my level

"It's going to be okay babygirl, how about you stay here with Dal and I'll go talk to Madison" I nodded and threw my suitcase into the house before jumping into Dallas' arms, she carried me to the couch and then sat down with me on her lap

"Why is Demi looking for Mads?" I took out my phone and showed her the texts

"SHE IS IN SOO MUCH TROUBLE" Dallas was clearly angry

"Did you?" I looked down at my lap and nodded, Dallas turned me around so that I was facing her

"Can I see baby?" she gently grabbed my arm and pushed my sleeve up

"Baby these look very new" concern laced her voice

"Oh baby" she kissed my forehead

"I'm sorry I wasn't strong Dally"

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