Chapter 22

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Seriously, what did I miss? We have been sitting at the dinner table for five minutes and everyone is looking at Demi with a worried expression, I leant up to her ear

"Dem, why is everyone looking at you?" She kissed my forehead

"No reason babygirl" Mom put our dinners in front of us, I saw Mar give Demi a reassuring look

"Dem, did you um, relapse?" I grabbed her sleeve and rolled it up, there were deep red nail marks that I hadn't seen before because of my vision,

"I almost did babygirl, but Mar and Dal were there" I tried to blink back the tears but they came flowing from my eyes, I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault

"Hey babygirl, it's okay, I'm okay" I tried to smile at her but my eyes betrayed me and more tears fell out, I'm such a burden to Demi, I was the reason her recovery was almost fucked up

"Babygirl, it's not your fault" she pulled me closer to her

"I love you Dem-Dem"

"I love you too babygirl, now lets eat" Demi started to eat her dinner, whilst I pushed my food around, Demi leant down to my ear

"I know what you are doing babygirl, please eat it" I sighed and pushed the plate away from me, crossing my arms across my chest, I will not eat that.

I sat there for ten minutes looking at the ground; I looked up to see Demi finishing her last bite. After she swallowed she pulled me onto her lap and put my plate in front of her, grabbing the fork and putting food on it, she brought it to my mouth, I shook my head and turned around on her lap burying my head in her chest

"Please Dem-Dem don't make me, I'm f-fat"

"Babygirl you're not fat" I glared at her, don't fucking lie to me Demetria

"I'm not lying to you babygirl, I wish you could see how skinny you were" I looked at her confused

"You were thinking aloud, don't call me Demetria again or I'll have to tickle you" I smiled at her

"Now eat" I shook my head, Demi gently grabbed my wrist and put her fingers around it, they went past each other, she then did that to her wrist, her finger went past each other the slightest bit

"See babygirl, will you please eat for me?"

"I-I c-can't"

"Yes you can baby, I'm right here" I looked up from Demi's chest and all eyes were on me, Demi looked at Maddie, Mom and Dad and they left, she turned her head to Dal and Mar

"No d-don't l-leave m-me" Demi looked down at me

"You want them to stay babygirl" I nodded, Demi turned me around on her lap, Dal put her hand on my arm and kissed my temple

"You can do it baby" there was a ring at the gate, meaning someone who didn't know the code was here

"Demi? It's Selena, can you let me in?" I tried to get off of Demi's lap but she tightened her grip

"Nope, Dal can you let her in?" Dal got up and pressed the button to open the gates, Demi picked up the fork and put it to my lips

"Please babygirl?" I opened my mouth and she fed me, I chewed it slowly and went to get a drink of water

"Nope, three more bites then you can drink, I know what your doing babygirl" I sighed and put the glass down, there was a knock at the door


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