Chapter 36

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"Up, you have school today" I groaned and shoved my face into one of Demi's many pillows, that I may have stolen from her bedroom, Dallas picked me up and threw me in the shower turning it on soaking my pajamas. I turned it off and got out

"Dally I love you, can I give you a hug" I called in a childish voice before at tacking Dallas, she squealed and ran away, I rolled my eyes and didn't bother chasing her. After a few minutes I started to panic, I'm in a room alone, for all I know Dallas could have left me here! What if she has? I pulled out my phone and clicked on the first number that showed up

"Help me!" I screamed as soon as the person picked up

"Babygirl? What's wrong?" Demi, the person was Demi thank god!

"Help me! I don't know where Dally is" I sobbed

"Okay baby, we're going to take deep breaths, copy me" she started to breath slowly, I copied her but still couldn't shake the fact I was all alone, in soaking wet clothes, I was crying by now, tears running freely down my cheeks

"Keep calm babygirl, I'm right here, it's DemDem" my hands stopped shaking as I clutched onto the phone

"Babygirl how about we find Dallas together okay?" She switched the call to FaceTime so that I could see her

"I want you to walk out of the room and down the hallway" I nodded and stood up walking out of the room and down the hallway, she wasn't in any of the rooms upstairs, I became even more worried. After ten minutes of searching I found her, I ran straight into her arms and sobbed into her shoulder

"Dallas! You can't just leave her like that! It's her first day of school, she could have slipped and then what would you do?" Demi yelled angrily through the phone

"I'm so sorry Dem, I forgot I promise to look after her" Dallas said

"You better" Demi growled

"I love you babygirl, have fun at school" she blew kisses through the phone

"I love you to Dem"

"Okay come on baby, we got to go" Dallas handed me a backpack

"Your teachers know how to turn this on so don't think you are getting out of eating, the guidance counselor will see you in her office every break and please go babygirl, Lexis going to okay? So you won't be alone" I nodded

"Okay Dally" I started to think about Demi, and how she wasn't going to be there for me when I start this new school, it sucks; I miss her

"Baby? What's wrong?" Dallas asked pulling me in for a hug

"I want Demi, I miss her," I cried, tears slowly falling down my face

"Shh baby, you'll see Demi soon okay?" She wiped my eyes

"Just focus on having fun with Lex today" I nodded.

"See you babygirl" I stared at her

"You aren't coming in?" She shook her head

"You don't want your embarrassing older sister to come in do you?" I nodded, she sighed

"Okay, but only to sign you in" I smiled and got out of the car.

"I'm here to sign in Isabella De La Garza, she's new" the receptionist nodded

"Ahh yes, starting with Alexa Grande, here is your timetable and locker combination, and I suggest you wait here for Alexa" I had to giggle at her calling her Alexa

"You may want to call her Lexi or she might bite your head off" the receptionist nodded. I gave Dallas a huge hug and she kissed my forehead before leaving, luckily Lexi came in straight after which kind of got Dallas leaving off my mind

"Lex!" I jumped up and hugged her

"I'm guessing you are Alexa?" Lexi nodded

"Yep, but call me that again and I'll chop your hair off and force you to eat it" I giggled as the receptionist handed Lexi her stuff

"You two will be required in Miss Bells office at breaks, no excuses, you are also required to go there when you feel any urges" I looked at Lexi who scoffed

"Okay" we replied and then walked out.

"What's first?" I asked Lexi

"History with Mr Thomas" she said,

"God I hope he's hot" she added making me laugh.

We spent thirty minutes looking for the classroom then finally found it, we walked in together and I laughed as I saw how unappealing the teacher was, let's just say he's old and Lexi is going to be disappointed, she was as I heard her groan

"And who are you two?" The teacher asked turning around and peering over his small glasses

"My name is Daisy Cucumber, and this is my sidekick Frannie Knickerbockers" Lexi replied in a serious tone making everyone crack up

"So you two are the new students? Alexa Grande and Isabella De La Garza" Lexi shook her head

"Not our names sir, already told you them" he looked at his sheet

"Then you have the wrong classroom, Daisy and Frannie" the class laughed again

"Of fucking course I'm Lexi Grande! Jesus are you stupid or something?" Lexi asked the teacher

"Sit down Alexa, You too Isabella, and Alexa I do not tolerate rude behavior in my classroom nor do I tolerate that language" she just shrugged and threw her stuff on a desk, I put mine on the one next to it.

It was now lunch break, and let's just say Lexi was an enemy of half the teachers

"Alexa! Isabella! I've been looking for you, you two are supposed to be in my office" I'm guessing that's Miss Bell

"We are supposed to, but I never do what I'm supposed to" Lexi responded with, Miss Bell glared at her sternly and Lexi started to walk to her office, pulling me with her.

"Hello girls, my name is Miss Bell and I will be your new friend during breaks" Lexi and I groaned in unison

"Isabella can I have your backpack" I gave her the backpack and she hooked me up to the machine

"Now tomorrow is swimming trials day for our annual swim carnival, and everyone has to try out for at least one event, which means you two will be required to get into the pool, no excuses" we groaned again, I mean swimming meant basically showing my cuts and scars so no thank you

"Sorry Miss, I can't get in the pool" I said pointing to my nose

"Actually you can swim with a nasogastric tube in, so sorry Isabella" I rolled my eyes and Lexi looked at me sadly

"Sorry babes" she said

"We aren't swimming full stop women" Lexi said then grabbed her stuff and walked out leaving me alone with the stupid guidance counselor.

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