Chapter 37

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"So Isabella tell me how this all started" Miss Bell inquiried

"I only speak to Demi" I bluntly replied

"You can trust me you know?" I shook my head

"I will only speak to Demi" I growled, she looked taken aback

"Okay, so what am I supposed to do?" She asked

"Hook me up and leave me alone" she shook her head

"Okay, but sweetheart I want you to know that I'll always be here for you" I shook my head fiercely

"I only talk to Demi or Dallas, not some teacher who is being paid to 'support' me" I picked up my bag and walked out, it's not like I don't know how to turn off the machine anyway I don't need her help.

I found Lexi after about ten minutes

"Hey beautiful girl, I'm sorry I left you back there" I playfully punched her

"You are mean Isabella," she pouted

"So are you Alexa" I shot back, she stuck out her tongue, the bell rang to signal it was time for our next class, I put the bag down on the ground and turned off the machine. We purposely took our time getting to class, we had health next and honestly I couldn't care less if we were late.

"You are late, sit down" the teacher said rolling her eyes, we sat together and she continued to talk, I froze when I realized what she was talking about, I looked to Lexi who was biting her lip. It had been thirty minutes and I was now sitting on my hands, chewing on my bottom lip, Lexi doing the same

"Does anyone know the effects these things can have, Isabella? I know your sister has experience with this" oh fuck no, that's it, she's been triggering me all class and now she's going to talk shit about Demi

"Go fuck yourself, if you say anything bad about my sister I will whip your ass and serve it on a platter" the teacher rolled her eyes and continued to talk, going into more detail this time triggering me more. It got to a point where I couldn't handle it anymore I got out my phone and texted Demi

"Help! I'm really triggered right now DemDem"

Within minutes of me sending the text she replied

"Call me babygirl"

"I can't I'm in class"

"Excuse yourself and then call me"

I raised my hand

"Yes Isabella?" The teacher asked

"May I please have a bathroom pass?" She pondered for a minute before handing me a pass, Lexi gave me a stern glare that said 'don't you dare do anything' I motioned to my phone and mouthed Demi, she nodded and smiled at me. I walked out of the classroom to outside not wasting anytime on dialing Demi

"Baby! Are you okay, you haven't have you?"

"Dems I'm just really triggered"

"Baby tell me what triggered you okay? Then we'll work through it"

"The teacher gave a speech on self harm, suicide and eating disorders and it was really in detail and there were pictures of cuts and other triggering things and now I just want to c-cut, I don't trust myself DemDem, I'm scared"

"Okay babygirl, I want you to hold tight and stay strong, I'm on my way"

"What about Maddie?"

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