Chapter 32

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It's been a week since I've been staying with Dallas, #prayforbea trended for two days, that made me feel a little better.

Dallas is outside the room, much to my protests, talking to someone. I ran up to the door and put my ear to it

"Dem, she's getting worse, her separation anxiety has come back, this morning I was just walking out here to call you and she had a panic attack, and she's always wearing sleeves, and still refuses meals, she's not getting any better with me she needs you" I heard a sigh which meant the phone was on speaker

"I don't know what to do Dallas, Maddie is improving but she's still not there, I'd give it another month or two" I started sobbing, half because I was on my own in this room and because of what Demi had said

"Is that her?" Demi sounded kind of worried, but I had to stop listening there as panic over took me. I ran back to the bed and grabbed Warrior, sobbing into him as the feeling of not being able to breath came back the sweatshirt tightening around me I pulled it off

"HELP!" Dallas ran into the room

"Baby, baby breath calm down I'm right here" I jumped at her, clinging onto her like my life depended on it. I started sobbing drowning out everything around me as I slipped further, I couldn't feel anything, I was alone stuck in my head with my poisonous thoughts, until I heard it the voice it was singing, it was angelic, I felt Dallas' arms around me

"D-Dally" I said gasping for air

"Baby, baby breath with me" she gently put my head on her chest, I copied her breathing

"Baby, what happened you were completely gone on me" I focused on my breathing before replying

"The voice, it was singing, it was angelic, I was alone and then the voice it sang, who was it Dally?" I heard a sigh of relief that didn't come from Dallas, I looked down and saw that Dallas was still on the phone to Demi

"I sang babygirl" I grabbed warrior again,

"Dem-Dem, I miss you" she sighed

"I miss you too babygirl, but you've got to listen to Dallas she's only trying to help" I buried my head in the pillow

"Baby we've got to get ready" I looked at her confused

"It's a surprise" I groaned and rolled off of the bed. After getting dressed I walked down to the kitchen where Dallas had my breakfast in hand.

After Dallas force-fed me, she dragged me to the car, maybe I should tell her it's a bad idea and she should wait an hour but you know, I'm not going to, she can find that out herself.

As she drove I started to feel like I was going to throw up, like I said it's a bad idea to drive with me anywhere after eating

"Dally" I choked out, she quickly looked to me

"Fuck you're pale baby you okay?" I shook my head, she thought for a moment

"God dammit, how could I forget" I could feel it rising up, I grabbed her arm and she tried getting into the furthest lane, but it was too late, I had thrown up all down the front of myself

"Shit baby we'll be there soon, just close your eyes okay" I nodded and did as she said.

After ten minutes Dallas said we had arrived, I got out of the car with my eyes still closed, because Dallas wouldn't let me open them, she led me somewhere and then stopped

"What the fuck Dallas, can I open my eyes?" I could basically feel her smirking

"No" she knocked on something, probably a door,

"Dallas, Bea come in" Wilmer, I can tell because of the accent

"Please tell me we aren't here to hear Demi and Wimer fuck" Dallas playfully smacked the back of my head

"Open baby" I opened my eyes to see we were at moms, I spotted Demi and ran towards her, but stopped when I realized I was covered in vomit

"Dallas did you forget" Demi yelled

"Oops?" Dallas replied, Demi shook her head and took my hand. She turned on the bath water on, I took off my clothes and got in, she stood up but I grabbed her arm

"Please don't go Dem-Dem" she sighed "I've just got to put these in the wash babygirl"

"She's leaving you forever Isabella"

"Who would want you as a sister"

"Fat, fat, fat, fat"

"There's a razor over there"

"You know what to do"

"She saw your fat body, that's why she's leaving"

I started nonstop screaming, Demi ran back in, her mouth was moving but I couldn't hear what she was saying, I had my ears covered and was still screaming, she ran over to the bath and tried to pry my fingers off my ears. Dallas must have heard the screaming as she ran in, she picked me up out of the bath and rubbed my back, I slowly stopped screaming and removed my hands off of my ears

"What did you do Dem?" Demi looked scared, I buried my head in Dallas' chest

"I just left and she started screaming" Dallas nodded

"She does that Dem, it's okay, it wasn't your fault" Demi sighed

"It really has come back hasn't it" Dallas nodded

"And now she's not going to act her age" I reached for a towel, and Dallas wrapped it around me, carrying me into the bedroom and laying me on the bed

"Dem can you get her some clothes" Demi walked into my closet and came back out with nothing

"Yeah, I'm getting some of mine" Demi ran out of the room and came back with a dress, Dallas dressed me and then tried to pick me up

"No! I want Dem-Dem" Demi came over and picked me up, I started to play with her cheeks, Dallas chuckled

"I told you she wouldn't act her age" Demi just shrugged and walked downstairs to the kitchen

"Hey babies" mom said

"Momma!" I exclaimed and reached my arms out for her

"Babygirl momma can't carry you, you're too big" I pouted

"But Dem-Dem, you can" mom sighed

"It's back isn't it" Demi nodded

"Ever since I left, Dallas says after she has huge episodes like just before she turns out like this, a three year old stuck in a twelve year olds body" mom nodded

"She used to do that" I poked Demi's cheek

"Play dollies with me Dem-Dem" Demi shot a worried glance to mom

"Attic" Demi nodded,

"Go play with Mad for a bit okay babygirl and I'll be right up, tell Mad that your dollies are in the attic" I nodded and Demi put me down.

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