Chapter 39

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I stood there shocked at what she had just yelled at me, she thought that I thought she didn't need help which was the exact opposite of what I thought because I knew she needed help, Dallas ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me just as my legs gave way and I fell to the ground sobbing

"Please go find her, I'll be fine just find my baby" I whimpered to Dallas, she looked to Maddie and motioned for her to come over to me

"Watch her, don't let her do anything" Dallas then proceeded to walk out of the house

"God this is all my fault!" I yelled running my fingers through my hair in frustration, Maddie removed my hands from my hair and wrapped her arms around my body

"No it isn't Dem, she'll be back, don't blame yourself for something you had no control over" Maddie said soothing me.

It had been three hours and I was really starting to worry, I needed someone to talk to and as Dallas was out looking I couldn't talk to her, so I called the first person I thought of

"Nick! We can't find her she's missing" I rushed out fastly

"Slow down Dems and repeat what you said" Nick said calmly

"Bea is missing! She yelled at me and ran out the door and now we can't find her, god this is all my fault" I sobbed

"Dem I'm sure she just went to clear her head, she'll be back soon" he said calmly, making me more frustrated about the situation, I mean how can he be so calm about this!

"You don't get it! She's sucidal Nick! She could have already killed herself, and her separation anxiety is back and oh god no" I started to sob harder, remembering how the last time she went out on her own she was raped by her school teacher!

"Dems I need you to calm down, what's wrong?" Nick asked, I guess nobody had informed him of what had happened whilst he hadn't seen us

"Last time she went out on her own she was raped, what if that happens again?" I sobbed

"Dem call Wilmer or I will, we both know that right now it's not safe for you to be alone" I sniffled

"O-okay" I said

"Call me if you feel like you are going to relapse" Nick said with a hint of panic in his voice

"O-okay" I sniffled and hung up.

After hanging up with Nick I rang Wilmer

"Baby, I need you, please" I sobbed into the phone

"Hermosa? What's wrong?" he asked in his thick Spanish accent

"She's gone, she yelled at me and then she ran away and it's been three hours she could be dead for all we know!" I yelled whilst sobbing

"Hermosa who? Maddie?" He asked panic evident in his voice

"Bea! She was triggered in class so I picked her up and we were talking and then she yelled at me and ran out the door and we haven't seen her since, I'm scared what if what happens last time happens again, my baby" I sobbed harder

"Breathe Hermosa, your breathing is becoming irregular" I took slow deep breaths with him

"I doubt it'll happen again, she probably just went to clear her head she'll be back" he said calmly

"No! There's a lot of bad people out there Wilmer! God know what they could do to my baby" I yelled

"Hermosa, you are stressing yourself out and right now I do not trust you alone, I want you to find Dallas or go to Nicks and I want you to stay there until you know that you are safe and won't hurt yourself okay?" I nodded and then realized he couldn't see me

"okay I'll do that, I love you" I said calmer "I love you too Hermosa" he hung up and

I texted Dallas and told her I was dropping Maddie at moms, I could stay at moms with her but mom would probably get on my nerves as she would follow me everywhere and not leave me alone, which right now is not what I need, don't get me wrong I love Mom and I know she means well it's just that I don't think I can handle her right now, she'd ask to many question and all I want right now is for my baby to be safe.

After dropping Maddie at moms I made my way to Nicks, I sat in my car for a little bit before getting the courage to get out of the car and ring the doorbell. Nick answered it pretty quickly

"Demi! Hey are you okay?" I shook my head and let the tears fall

"My baby she's missing, I need her, I need my baby" I sobbed, he wrapped his arms around me

"Let's go inside Dems" I walked in and wiped my eyes before walking into the living room, a small figure sat with their eyes glued to the screen, I gasped when I saw who it was, I ran forward and wrapped my arms around her

"Don't you ever do that again, you hear me, wait where the fuck is your feeding tube?" I yelled in a motherly tone, She held out the tube to me and I shook her head

"Babygirl why?" She shook her head and looked back down, I lifted her chin and she started to cry, I wrapped my arms around her again

"Nick I need your help" he ran into the room and I grabbed the tube

"Hold her down" I instructed, he grabbed her arms and pinned them down to the couch, I carefully started to put the tube into her nose, remembering exactly how the nurses taught me to do it that day we found out she needed the tube to survive

"Okay now swallow" she did as I said and swallowed. I managed to replace the tube and felt quite proud with myself

"You know we need to talk right?"

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