Chapter 7

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"We're going to play a little game," I whimpered

"Shut up" he put his filthy hand over my mouth as his other hand started to venture down my body, pulling my sweatpants off along with my underwear, he proceeded to pull his underwear off. He began forcing himself into me, tears were falling down my face, I feel dirty, I feel violated, he raped me, but I deserve it

"If you tell, I will do it again and it will be worse" and with that he left, I called the one person I needed right now, Demi

"Hey babygirl"

"C-come g-get m-me p-please" my voice was shaky

"Where are you?"

"I-I d-don't k-know, I don't know!" I cried

"Stay there I'm tracking your phone" within ten minutes Demi was by my side,

"Babygirl what happened"

"I-I g-got l-lost" we walked out into the lit up street

"Come on, let's go home" she grabbed my hand and I flinched away

"Hey, what's wrong?" I thought back to what had happened not long ago and broke down falling onto my knees, my whole body ached, and if I tell Demi he will do it again

"I-I c-can't" she looked at me with fear in her eyes

"Baby, be strong, please tell me"

"I-I, h-he" I shook my head and could feel a panic attack rising, my breathing became irregular as I began to shake, I felt Demi pull me into her embrace, I put my head on her chest and copied her breathing

"Let's get into the car babygirl" I nodded and tried to walk but fell back to my knees

"Dems, I can't walk" she picked me up and put me into the car, I stayed silent the entire car ride home, Demi picked me up and carried me up to my bedroom, we both laid down

"Babygirl, what happened tonight, who is he, what did he do?" I decided to tell Demi maybe she could help

"Iwasraped" I said quickly

"Slower babygirl"

"I was raped, he took my innocence!" I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks, but they weren't mine, I looked up at Demi who was sobbing and wiped her eyes, she was mumbling something to herself

"It's not your fault Dems"

"B-babygirl, c-come w-with m-me" I went to stand up, but Demi stopped me she stood up and picked me up carrying me down the stairs to where the rest of my family were, Demi was still sobbing

"M-Mads, could you go upstairs please, I gotta talk to Momma, Daddy and Dally about very something" I said, she nodded and went up to her room, Dallas ran up to me and Demi and out her arms around us

"Dems, why are you crying" Demi whispered what happened into Dallas' ear and put me down on the couch, where I crawled over and sat on Mommas lap and put my head back on her shoulder she wrapped her arms around my waist and I jumped, Demi noticed and ran over to me

"Hey, hey babygirl, it's okay, that was just momma, nobody here is going to hurt you" she was trying to hold back the sobs, I relaxed back into momma and she slowly put her arms back around my waist and Demi went over to hug Dallas, Demi sobbing loudly as Dallas rubbed her back and whispered something to her

"Demi, what is going on?"

"W-well, y-you k-know h-how I got t-that c-call" she took a deep breath and continued

"I-it, was B-Bea, she was lost in some alleyway, Momma, B-Bea was r-raped" Demi started to sob again and Dallas tried to comfort her, Momma started to cry into Daddy, I got off Mommas lap and walked over to Demi, every step was agony, everything just hurt so much

"I'm taking her to the hospital for a checkup" Demi said standing up and picking me up

"N-no please no Dems"

"Hey it's going to be okay, I will be right by your side babygirl"

"And so will I" Dallas stood up following Demi and I to the car, Dallas drove us to the hospital and Demi ran in with me in her arms

"Please, my baby sister, she was raped, can you check her, for damage"

"Wait you're Demi Lovato, right this way"

"Please don't say anything about this we would like to keep it private"

"Most certainly Ms. Lovato" we walked into a big room and a nurse handed me a gown, I got changed into and laid down on the bed waiting for the doctor, I felt nothing but sheer panic and I think Demi could sense that

"Breathe babygirl, it's gonna be okay" she grabbed my hand and I squeezed it tightly, just then the doctor walked into the room

"Isabella DeLaGarza?" I nodded

"What seems to be the problem sweetheart" I shook my head and squeezed Demi's hand,

"Uh, my little sister she was r-raped" the doctor nodded her head

"Sweetheart put your feet up here" she pointed to the things on the bed, I looked at them in sheer terror

"Don't worry sweetie, it's normal procedure" I did what she told me to, I still had Demi's hand in a death grip, she pressed on my stomach and I winced at the pain

"Sorry sweetheart" she continued to feel around, fuck it hurt, not only physically but emotionally it just reminds me of what happened hours ago. Demi was rubbing my hand and then the doctor pushed on one spot, I screamed

"Fuck, stop you're hurting me!" tears were falling down my face

"Should it hurt her that much?" Dallas asked, she was holding my other hand which I also had in a death grip

"It is normal in this kind of situation, she doesn't seem to have much damage except for the usual so I suggest she rest for the next couple of days, try to keep her off her feet, the pain should subside in a few day but I will give you some pain killers for her" Demi wiped my eyes and lifted me off the table, I took off the gown and got changed back into my clothes, with the help of Demi

"I'm so, so proud of you babygirl" Demi kissed my forehead and I got on her back, we walked out of the hospital and made our way quickly to the car, I got in the back and so did Demi, as soon as she sat down I laid my head in her lap

"Goodnight Dems, goodnight Dally"

"Goodnight babygirl, thank you for being so brave tonight, you are my warrior"

"Goodnight baby, I'm so proud of you"

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