Chapter 30

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I wake up and look at the clock beside my bed 8:05am, I get up and go into my bathroom grabbing my blade from the counter top. I began slashing at my wrists until someone grabs my wrist and takes the blade from my hand, sobs were coming from their mouth, I turned my head to look at who it was and gasped, they attempted to hug me but I pushed them away

"Don't touch me, I can't trust you Demetria" she looks hurt but shakes it off and wraps her arms around me

"Babygirl, please just let me explain" I started to sob and she turned me around on her lap, as a habit I buried my face in her chest, she didn't care that the blood from my arm was staining her shirt,

"Baby, Maddie will take less time to recover than you will, and mom and dad don't think it's good for me too have two kids fully dependent on me for their recovery, so I promise that once I can get Maddie on the right track you'll come back with me babygirl, please don't throw your recovery away, if you ever need to talk Dallas will be right there" I grabbed her t-shirt

"I don't want Dally, D-Dem-D-Dem, I w-want y-you" She rubbed her hand up and down my back

"I know baby, I know, but I can't leave Maddie here and let her do anything" I shook against Demi

"You said you'd never leave me, Dem-Dem, you promised" Demi sighed

"I know baby, but I'm coming back I promise and I'll come visit you every week okay?" I shook my head

"I want you Dem-Dem, Dally just doesn't understand, she doesn't know how to calm me down like you do, she doesn't understand how 'they' can be Dem-Dem, only you do" she hugged me tighter

"It wont be long babygirl, maybe a month or two" I hugged her back like my life depended on it

"Dem-Dem, what if I can't hold on that long" a tear fell down her cheek

"I know you can babygirl, you are my strong little warrior" I shook my head,

"Well babygirl, I'm sorry to say this but Maddie and I are leaving in 20 minutes" I sobbed into Demi's chest

"Please don't Dem-Dem, stay please, please, please, please, don't leave me, n-not again, I only just got you back" I begged into her shirt

"Babygirl, I'll be back I promise" I shook my head

"But you won't" she lifted my head from her chest

"I promise I will" she got something from behind her back and put it around my neck, handing me a blanket and a teddy bear

"His name is Warrior, whenever you need me hug him, cry into him, he will be there, never take that necklace off, I will always be with you then, and sleep with the blanket it will keep you safe, I love you babygirl, never forget that" she opened the locket on the necklace and there was a picture of us on one side with 'warriors stand together through thick and thin' engraved on it

"It's beautiful Dem-Dem" she kissed my forehead

"Be good for Dal baby, call me if you ever need me, and stay strong my warrior" I clutched her t-shirt sobbing into it, she removed my hands hugged me and kissed my forehead before walking out of the room, leaving me screaming for her as I sobbed into Warrior, with the blanket around my shoulders and one hand on the locket. I noticed the blanket had 'stay strong my warrior' embroidered on it which made me sob harder, Dallas ran into the room and tried to comfort me, she pulled me onto her lap making the blanket fall of my shoulder, I started screaming and Dallas put the blanket back over me, rocking me back and fourth until I fell asleep.

I woke up still in Dallas' arms with the blanket around me. I had, had a nightmare, I started to look around for Demi, but shortly after realized she was actually gone, my life was the nightmare, I was living in hell

"Baby, we have to pack up, we're going to my house soon" I sighed

"Hey how about we got to Disneyland" I nodded not that I particularly cared about anything, I just want to be with Demi,

"Can I pick out your outfit please" I nodded again, she ran off into my closet and came back with a black t-shirt and black sweatpants

"Seriously this is all you own" I shrugged knowing all my nicer clothes were with Demi, and Marissa I burst into tear

"Shit baby I didn't mean to upset you" I shook my head and looked at warrior

"Baby, you know she loves you" I nodded and pointed at a photo of Mar,

"Oh baby, I know she was supposed to spend the month with you" I walked over to her and hugged her, sobbing into her stomach

"Oh baby" She picked me up and carried me to her room, she went into her closet and threw out a long sleeve Dallas Cowboys jersey, and a pair of tiny shorts

"Put those on baby" I put on the long sleeve jersey that went just above my knees, and I put on the tiny shorts

"Just what I thought" I gave her a confused look,

"I knew it wasn't going to fit right, you're tiny, so now it's a dress" I shrugged

"Which park, California or Disneyland" I held up one finger for California Adventure

"California it is" she picked me back up and carried me downstairs

"W-why are y-you carrying me D-Dally" she chuckled a little bit

"Because you're so small it's cute, now we are eating breakfast and I expect you to eat everything I put on your plate, and no purging" I groaned after the morning I've had I'd rather not eat, I mean come on I just lost my sister

"I already ate though Dally" she giggled and shook her head

"I know you haven't, you haven't left your room since Demi caught you" I scowled at her and started crying

"Don't say her name, it hurts" Dallas sighed

"It really impacted you didn't it?" I nodded and pointed to my heart

"She shattered it into a million pieces, and you never really can fix a heart Dally, she broke her promises, and left me in the dark tunnel that I live in to die, Dally, I'm broken" Dallas hugged me tighter

"And I'm going to hug you so tight all your broken pieces stick back together, I love you baby" she kissed my cheek

"I love you too Dally, with all my broken heart" and we heard an awe and saw mom standing in the kitchen with breakfast in her hands.

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