Chapter 5

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I tried to wriggle out of Demi's arms "uh-uh, you ain't going anywhere until I'm finished cuddling" I relaxed back into her arms

"Let's go get breakfast," I groaned internally, I can't eat breakfast, but if I say no Demi will get suspicious

"You're already too fat"

"Geez, even Demi thinks you're worthless" can't they do this whilst Demi is not in the room

"Okay" she ran downstairs and I followed her

"Demi slow the fuck down"

"Watch your language Isabella," my mom warned

"It's Bea, do not call me Isabella"

"Fine then Bea, don't curse"

"hahaha Bea is just like you Demi" I turn and find Dallas grinning in the doorway

"Nope Demi is way to beautiful"

"Awe babygirl, you are beautiful" Demi bopped my nose and placed our breakfast on the table, I sat down and looked into the bowl of calories, I quickly picked up the spoon and a quarter of it. I stood up and Demi looked at me funny

"I gotta pee" she thought that was hilarious and started laughing loudly, I sprinted up the stairs, and ran straight into the bathroom, I got rid of the food I had just eaten, flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth, I walked down to see Demi and Maddie all dressed up

"Where are you two going?"

"I have to take Maddie somewhere"


"Mom and Dad have gone out so it's just you and Dallas" I nodded and gave them both a hug as they left

"What's wrong Bea" Dallas asked


"Why are you crying?"

"I-I don't want D-Demi to l-leave"

"Hey baby its okay Demi will be back in a couple of hours" I hugged her and she ran her fingers through my hair

"Come on we will watch a movie" Dallas picked the notebook.

The movie had finished and it was 12:30 "How about we get some lunch?"

"I'm not h-hungry" great I stuttered now she's defiantly going to be suspicious

"You have to be hungry, baby you ate like nothing at breakfast and nothing last night" I shook my head

"Shit, no she can't" I heard Dallas mumble

"Bea you would tell me if something was up right?"

"Y-yeah" fucking hell Isabella you had to fuck that up, she knows now of course she does, your little secret is blown

"Bea" she sighed

"Does Demi know?" I gave in accepting the fact that Dallas knew and shook my head

"Come here" she held out her arms for me and I climbed into them

"Don't tell anyone"

"Baby Demi can help you"

"I don't need help, I'm fine"

"Lift up your shirt" I shook my head

"Lift up your shirt." I did as she asked and she gasped and started to cry

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