Chapter 16

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I grabbed the bucket from the side of the bed and threw up into it, I got out of the bed and flushed what was in the bucket down the toilet, I walked out to see Demi sitting up on the bed

"Were you sick again babygirl?" I nodded, she opened her arms for me and I gratefully crawled into them, I couldn't hold back the sobs that were now escaping from my mouth

"D-don't l-leave"

"shh, babygirl it's okay, I'm here to stay"

"B-but y-you'll g-get s-sick"

"I don't care if I get sick babygirl, you are my number one priority" I snuggled further into her, Demi's phone started to ring

"Hey momma"

"What's up?"

"No momma, she didn't, she's just really sick"

"Yeah, her temperature was 104 about 2 hours ago" I went to get the bucket, but it wasn't there, I left it in the bathroom, I couldn't hold it in and threw up all down the front of myself

"Oh babygirl" she grabbed my hair as I continued to throw up on myself

"Momma I've gotta go clean up Bea"

"Yeah that was her"

"I will, I'll call him"

"Love you too momma" then she hung up the phone, and went over to my closet, she came back with a clean t-shirt and sweatpants, I started feeling anxious about the t-shirt, I mean my arms will be exposed and even though Demi knows it kind of scares me, I mean you know. She must have noticed the panicked expression

"Babygirl what's wrong" she ran back to me and pulled the hoodie off of my body, quickly replacing it with the t-shirt, she pulled off my pants, and put on the other ones, after she was done she gently grabbed my arm, tracing the scars and then kissing them, she looked up at me, tears were falling from her eyes.

"Never fail to upset anyone do we Isabella"

"I'm sorry Dem-Dem" I bit my lip to stop the tears from falling, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her, I was still biting my lip trying to stop the waterfall

"Babygirl, it's okay to cry" tears started to fall rapidly from my eyes, I buried my face in her chest soaking her t-shirt with my tears

"Babygirl, what are you sorry for" Demi asked and kissed the top of my head

"I-I'm s-sorry f-for b-being a f-fat f-failure" I said between sobs

"I-I'm s-sorry, y-you d-don't d-deserve a-an u-ugly f-fat f-failure f-for a-a s-sister, y-you d-deserve a-a p-"

"You're right I don't deserve you, you are simply too good for me, you are a beautiful caring little warrior that is way too good for me" she had tears streaming down her face, I shook my head

"I-I o-only m-make y-you u-upset" I looked away from her, she turned my head back gently

"I love you, I love you too much to lose you" she had nothing but honesty in her eyes

"I love you too, but what if I did lose this battle Dem, would you be disappointed in me"

"I would be heartbroken babygirl, and that's why I'm here to help you fight the battle"

"You promise?"

"I promise babygirl" I picked my hand up and wiped away her tears and she did the same for me, I leant up and kissed her cheek, she kissed my forehead

"Demi! Bucket!" she picked me up and sprinted to the bathroom making it just in time, she placed me down in front of the toilet and rubbed calming circles on my back. She grabbed the bucket and a face cloth; I grabbed her arm just as she was about to leave the bathroom

"No don't leave me"

"Babygirl I'm just going to put this out near the bed"

"No please" yeah I'm clingy when I'm sick but who isn't seriously don't judge, I reached for the wash cloth, she gave it to me and I wiped my mouth, we walked back to my bed and I laid down

"I'm going to go get us some lunch" I shook my head, I really didn't want Demi to leave

"Baby, you need to eat, I'll be back in five minutes okay"

"P-please d-don't l-leave" I was sobbing, she walked over and kissed my forehead

"Baby, I'll be downstairs for five minutes" I tried to be strong and flashed her a fake smile, she smiled back but she knew mine was fake, as soon as she left the room I started sobbing loudly

"I'm in the kitchen babygirl, you're okay" I heard Demi yell from downstairs, I sobbed louder and Dallas ran into my room, engulfing me in a hug

"Baby, it's okay, Demi is just in the kitchen"

"D-Dally, I want D-Demi"

"Baby, she'll be back soon, she's just downstairs" I clung onto Dallas, just like she had said Demi appeared five minutes later with two plates, cheese sandwiches ew, I crinkled my nose in disgust

"Babygirl, I know you don't want to but for me please?"

"I feel sick Dem-Dem"

"I know you do babygirl, but you have to eat, it's not good for you to be throwing up on an empty stomach" I sighed in defeat, I guess it's going to be thrown up anyway. I took a bite out of the disgusting calorie filled shit, chewed it for a bit and swallowed, Demi was looking at me worriedly but gave me a sympathetic smile.

I finished the sandwich about an hour later, but all I wanted to do was purge

"I'm so proud of you babygirl"

"Me too" Dallas smiled at me and they pulled me into a group hug, they went to pull away but I pulled them right back

"Dally, Dem-Dem I'm not finished cuddling" I pouted and said in the most babyish tone I could muster, they put their arms back around me and I snuggled into both of them as far as I could

"I love you Dally and Dem-Dem" I kissed them both on the cheek

"I have the bestest older sisters in the world"

"And we have the best younger sisters in the world" Dallas went to leave but I pulled her back

"No!" I said sternly

"MADDIE, MAR COME UP HERE" they ran up the stairs and into my room

"Hey no fair I wanna cuddle too" Maddie pouted

"Yeah me too" Mar and Maddie were trying to be mad but utterly failed when they started giggling, we waved them over to cuddle, and they skipped happily over to them,

"Wait you're infectious" Maddie and Mar screamed at the same time and ran away

"Thanks for the love" I rolled my eyes and Dallas Demi and I laid down, still enjoying each others warm embrace.

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