Chapter 15

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"Up. Breakfast. Go" Demi said whilst shaking me, my stomach was sore but I chose to ignore it, I put my finger to her lips

"Shh sleepy time"

"Uh-uh we are going shopping so your ass needs to get off of this couch and eat some breakfast"

"Sleepy time"

"Up now, we have to get Maddie in 30 minutes" I got off of the couch and walked to the kitchen, I jumped onto the counter and waited for Demi to come in

"What do you want babygirl"


"Babygirl" she sighed

"Cereal it is" I groaned and Demi gave me a sympathetic look and placed the cereal down next to me, I looked at it and then looked at her, my eyes pleading with her to not make me eat this bowl of calories

"Eat," she said sternly, I shook my head and moved away from the cereal, Demi picked up the spoon

"Open" I shook my head

"Babygirl please"

"Dem-Dem don't make me please"

"you know I have to baby" I reluctantly opened my mouth and she fed me the cereal, after it was done, I went up to my room and put on some decent looking clothes, I went over to the mirror and frowned, fat, that's all I could see fat, I walked away and put on different clothes only to return and see more fat

"Babygirl" Demi ran over and hugged me

"What do you see?"

"I see a fat ugly failure" A tear rolled down Demi's cheek

"You want me to tell you what I see" I hesitantly nodded trying to hold back the tears

"I see a beautiful, way too skinny girl, who I am lucky to be able to call my sister" I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, Demi sat down and pulled me on to her lap, she rocked me back and fourth until I had calmed down, tears were falling from her eyes, I wiped them with my thumb and she did the same for me

"I love you Bea"

"I love you too Dem"

"Come on let's go downstairs" she must have seen the hesitation in my expression

"You look stunning babygirl"

"You do too Dem-Dem" she grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs

"Mar, ass in the car now"

"Coming Dem" we walked out to the car where Max was in the drivers seat I slid in the back with Demi next to me

"Here baby, you forgot to grab these" she handed me my sunglasses

"Thank you Dem" Mar got in the passenger seat and we drove to Mom's house

When we arrived Mom greeted us with a hug and Maddie ran downstairs

"Hey Dal you wanna come" Dem yelled through the house

"Sure" Dallas yelled back and ran down the stairs

"Let's go"

"I'll take my car, Bea come with me?" Dallas picked up her keys, I nodded and walked to her car, my stomachache had gotten worse and I felt a little nauseous but again I ignored it. The entire car ride there we caught up even though it had only been like a day since we had seen each other. Dallas pulled in next to Demi's car and there were paparazzi everywhere, I got out of the car and after one minute of standing my legs collapsed from under me, Dallas rushed over to me and picked me up. We started to make our way through the paparazzi; I had my face buried in Dallas' neck, only looking up once to be temporarily blinded by a flash, the paparazzi were shouting at us all

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