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Tammy hadn't really slept much that night with Jace , Alec and Clary still not returning to the institute and Simon leaving the institute and Isabelle being busy with her parents she didn't really know where she fitted into everything or what she could be doing.

It was early but late enough in the morning for her to be able to find someone in the institute that would give her something to do.

Walking down into the main computer technology area she spotted Izzy looking at one of the screens.

"Hey Iz anything I can help with?" She asked happily skipping over to her.

"Tammy not now." Tamsin frowned at the negative response she received.

"Are you sure I mean I could-"

"Tamsin I said not now."

"Okay whats wrong with you Izzy your never grumpy towards anybody so why me?"

Izzy just sighed at the same time Alec walked into the institute.

"I stayed at Magnus' last night helping him clean the place up," he said before either one of the girls asked where he'd been and what he'd been upto.

"You sure thats all that happened?" Izzy teased with a smirk on her face. Tammy was confused though for two different reason one being why was Izzy being nice when two seconds ago she was grumpy and two what did Izzy mean when she said that to Alec.

'Its not like he's gay' Tamsin thought to herself but then it dawned on her that he probably was secretly gay and Isabelle was the only one who knew. Tammy lightly gasped as she came to this realisation but it was loud enough to catch the Lightwood siblings attention.

"I'm not talking about this," Alec said making eye contact with Tamsin then walking off to his room.

"Don't say anything," Isabelle quietly said walking back over to Tamsin.

"I feel so bad is being gay like a major no no in this world?" Tammy made sure she was still speaking quietly so no one else around them could hear.

"The older generation don't accept it they consider it as dishonouring your family."

"I'm going to go talk to Alec," Tammy said.

"Just go easy on him he's kinda in denial about it."

Tammy nodded as she left to go see Alec feeling bad for him that he basically had to keep who he is a secret and couldn't imagine how hard that must be.

She knocked on his door before entering and he was in there punching a punch bag that he had in the corner of his room. She closed the door behind her and sat on his bed.

"Are you okay Alec?" She asked looking at him concerned.

He stopped what he was doing ,"I'm fine why would you ask that?"

"You don't have to pretend around me Alec I get what your going through... well I kinda do ... Well to a certain extent I do," Tammy stumbled over her words as she tried to think of a way to tell him what was on her mind.

"I'm sorry Tam but I don't have a clue what your talking about."

"I know your gay and i'm guessing that you probably like Jace," Tammy said as she remembered the night that Alec saw her kissing Jace and the hurt look that he had worn on his face. At first Tammy thought it was because she was kissing him but really its because Jace was involved in the kiss.

Alec awkwardly coughed ," I don't like Jace, you like Jace."

Tammy sighed," you don't have to lie to me Alec I get how it feels to like people of the same sex."

Alec looked at her confused ," wait your -"

"I'm bisexual meaning I like a bit of both," Tammy told him.

"How did you know you liked girls?" He asked her as he sat down next to her.

"Before I tell you please promise me you won't say anything because i've never actually told anybody about being bisexual."

"I promise this will all stay between us," Alec said and held her hand as a way to show her that she had his support.

"The real reason I hate Clary so much is because I used to have strong feelings for her but I knew Simon was in love with her and she was oblivious to it and she would hurt him so much by not noticing him in that way and it hurt me as well and I guess the hurt I felt just turned into hatred," Tammy looked down at her feet the entire time that she explained a story that she had never dreamed of ever telling anybody.

Alec was silent as he was slightly shocked by what Tammy had revealed ,"Did she or anyone ever know about how you felt?"

Tammy shrugged in response ,"I don't know i'm hoping not because that was in the past and I don't particularly want to remember it."

"So you've never been out with a girl?"

"No i've been out with a few guys nothing special though."

"And you and Jace are a thing now?"

"Honestly I don't have a clue I'm like 80% sure that he likes Clary."

Alec wrapped his arms around the smaller girl feeling like she needed comforting somehow but didn't really know what to say to her ,"we can be confused together."

She looked up at him ,"yeah whats going on with you?"

He sighed ,"my parents are wanting me to get married to improve our reputation and at the same time the whole shadow world has turned upside down because of Clary and to top that off theres this warlock guy that makes me feel weird."

"Is that Magnus?"

"Yeah Magnus Bane."

"Aw Malec that sounds cute," Tammy smiled ,"put Magnus and Alec together and we get Malec."

"What would you and Jace be? Tace? Or Tamace? Or even Jamsin?"

Tamsin laughed then sighed ,"Probably none seen as Clace is more than likely a thing or its in the process of becoming a thing."

Interrupting their conversation Izzy barged into Alecs room looking slightly flustered ,"Jace and Clary need backup down at the police station now."

Tammy rolled her eyes as her and Alec stood up ,"I told you."

"Just because hes with her doesn't mean they're together,"He told her.

"Hang on did I interrupt a conversation where Alec actually spoke about feelings for once," Izzy gasped.


Authors note: hey sorry its short and not really that good but theres a double update happening later sooooo it's all good.
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