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Today was the day ; the day that Tamsin and Alec would wed one another

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Today was the day ; the day that Tamsin and Alec would wed one another. It should've been a morning where the both of them felt butterflies and nothing but excitement but neither of them felt that way. There was an aching in both of there hearts - they both longed for somebody else but they knew that they had to do this , not for love but for honour.

"Now why do you look so down , you were so happy yesterday when we were picking your dress," Isabelle exclaimed as she was styling Tamsin's hair, the two girls were hidden away in a bedroom preparing for the ceremony.

"It's not that I'm sad , I just I'm not sure I have this feeling it's hard to explain," Tamsin sighed as she looked down only to feel Isabelle release her hair and take a seat next to her at the dressing table.

"You don't have to marry him you know," Isabelle paused as she noticed a single tear run down Tamsins face which she wiped away for her before gently caressing the girls face and making her look at her, "he might be my brother but I care about you too , I can tell that you both care for each other but you aren't in love with each other it's not fair on either of you , I know you both have it in your heads that this is what's best but if that's not what your heart says then it's not too late to back out."

Tamsin shook her head with a small sigh , "it's not that , I'm okay with it I just feel like I can sense something bad is going to happen it might just be that I'm nervous but it's like a really bad sinking feeling in my stomach."

"Have you eaten this morning?" The lightwood girl inquired , "and be honest with me."

"No I didn't want to , I'm a nervous eater if I start eating then I just won't stop and I kinda need my dress to do up."

"You're going to look beautiful but you need to eat and I won't take no for an answer I'll even cook for you , c'mon" Isabelle stood up and held her hand out for Tamsin to grab but she kindly laughed and pushed her hand away , standing up to go over and grab her dress.

"Izzy no offence but your cooking is awful," Tamsin laughed as she admired her dress instead of paying attention to Izzy , "thank you for helping me find this dress by the way , I think Mayrse will be fuming that we didn't go for one that she selected but this one is gorgeous."

Izzy flopped onto Tamsins bed , " I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle you're going to blow everyone away but your changing the subject I want you to go eat now."

"How about I get my dress on first then I promise you I'll go eat."

"What? No what if you spill it on your dress"

"I won't besides if I'm in my dress then I'll be more inclined to actually eat as I know it'll fit me and I'll be super careful about not getting it dirty."

Mundanes ~ Shadowhuntersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن