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Jace had left the infirmary room and it was just Tammy and Izzy together now. It seemed like today was the day when Tammy was going to have a one on one session with everybody with the exception of Clary that definitely would not be happening.

"C'mon lets go upto my room and we can go and raid my closet to find something for you." Izzy lead the way to her room with Tammy following next to her admiring the institute as they walked through it.
"This place is so beautiful," Tamsin commented.

"If you think this place is nice just wait till you see Idris."

"Idris?" Tammy repeated not knowing what it was.

"It's the homeplace for us shadowhunters," Tammy noticed how Izzy was making comments including her about being like them and not that she was going to tell them this but it made her genuinely happy that she was part of something and although she'd only known these people a few hours in which most of the time she was unconscious she was surprised at how easily her and Izzy just seemed to click.
She did wonder though why Izzy seemed to be including her when discussing the shadowhunters because there was no definite evidence that proved she was meant to be a shadowhunter.

"Izzy can I ask you something?" The two girls had reached Izzys bedroom and Tammy felt ready to ask the question that had been bugging her ,"How do we know that I really am like you guys? I just don't understand how One second I can be a mundane and the next i'm a shadowhunter."

"Oh we know for sure that you're just like us," Tammys head tilted in confusion ,"Those iratzes the healing runes that Jace put on you they worked for you which means you're one of us."

"What would've happened if they didn't work?" Tammy asked.

"You'd die ,mundanes can't survive runes but your still here which can only mean one thing," Izzy smiled ,"your a shadowhunter just like the rest of us."

"Seen as i'm a shadowhunter now I should probably look the part as well so tell me or wait no show me what I should wear I don't wanna look out of place or anything," Tammy said.

"You like fashion?" Izzy asked.

Tammy nodded eagerly ,"I love it it's always been one of my favourite things ~ it's my speciality."

"Where have you been all this time? You really are my new best friend like no offence to Clary or anything but shes just so innocent its cute but you just seem to have this aura that you should've always been part of our family."Izzy said whilst going through her closet looking for something for Tammy to wear.

"You're actually a lot nicer than what I expected Simon told me that after Jace the rest of you just got worse,"Tammy said.

Izzy came out of her closet with an eyebrow raised and a couple outfits in her hands ,"Did he really say that?"

"Yeah I don't see why though to me it seemed like he had a bit of a crush on you just by the way he was looking at you when I first woke up in the infirmary sure I was a bit out of it but I never miss things like that," Tammy said with a shrug of her shoulders.

Isabelle lightly blushed at this but it was really faint it was hard to notice.
"Aw Izzy your blushing!" Tammy laughed ,"are you seriously attracted to Simon?"

"Shut up Tammy," Izzy brushed the comment off with a laugh but it did get her thinking did she really find a nerdy mundane named Simon slightly attractive? "Anyway going back to fashion -"

"Aw you didn't deny it you do kinda like him don't you?" Tamsin cut Izzy off whilst continuing to laugh ,"Don't worry this'll stay strictly between us two but it does make me happy that a nice person like yourself has finally taken an interest in Simon."

"Wait has he never had a girlfriend before?"

"Nope the poor guys to caught up in waiting for Clary to notice him as more than just a friend," Tammy rolled her eyes.

"Oh," Izzy dropped the topic and once again resumed their previous conversation about fashion and held up a tight black small dress ,"How about this for you?"

"Izzy we're off to the Silent brothers not a party so nope," Tammy looked through some of the clothes that Izzy had bought out before picking out an all black outfit which consisted of black leather skinny jeans , black heels and a small black top.

"I think i'll wear this," Tammy showed the clothes to Izzy to get her approval.

"All black nice very shadowhuntery," Izzy said ,"you can change behind that screen over there."

10 minutes later both girls were dressed in there black leather attires and were ready to go. Tammy looked in the mirror to make sure she looked okay but when she looked in it it was like she was looking at another person yet she felt comfortable with it ~ it was just the new version of herself that she was now seeing.

Izzy came and stood next to Tammy ,"you really do look like one of us now I could say thats just because your wearing my clothes but I genuinely believe that you're one of us."

"Thank you Izzy that really does mean a lot to me," Tammy said with a smile.

Isabelle linked her right arm up with Tamsins left arm ,"Anytime now how do you feel about your first adventure as a shadowhunter?"

"Erm ask me that in a few hours when tonights over," Tammy said ,"so shall we go catch up with the others quickly?"

"Yes , yes we shall go and do that," Izzy smiled.

Authors note: yeah this is pretty bad i'll accept that. But if you're reading this and you do actually enjoy this then please do feel free to comment/vote on the chapter.
Spoilers for the next chapter: Tammy meets Alec properly and there may or may not be a teeny fight with her and Clary.

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