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Tamsin rubbed her eyes as she awoke that morning. She didn't particularly feel like getting up due to how comfy she was. There was an arm draped over her waist belonging to the blonde boy still laid asleep beside her.

"Hey Jacey wakey wakey," Tamsin turned over and tapped Jaces face in an effort to wake him up as well.

"Morning Tamsy," Tamsin couldn't help but notice how good his morning voice sounded and then also noticed that he was shirtless and wondered when that happened.

"Are you done staring at me yet?" Jace chuckled.

Tamsin scoffed ,"pffft I was not staring at you."

"Oh really so then what was you staring at? The blank wall?"

"For your information that blank wall is very pretty and it deserves to be stared at," Tamsin said in a 'duh' sort of tone.

"You know what else is pretty..."

"Nope no nada do not say something incredibly cheesy right now I beg of you," Tamsin interrupted.

"I was only going to say me but you seem to have other ideas," Jace laughed ,"What did you think I was going to say?"

"You just can't stop boosting your ego can you?"

"You helped boost it I mean you were practically drooling over me when you were staring."

Tamsin gasped and placed a hand over her heart to pretend she was offended ," I do not drool , yes I may've stared but I did not drool that's a lil exaggerated."

"So you admit you were staring at me?"

Tamsin groaned ,"I hate you."

"You love me really."

"Hate you."

"No you don't."

"Hate you."

"You wasn't saying that last night."

Tamsin blushed and covered her face with her hands ,"please shut up I didn't mean to kiss you."

"So you never want to kiss me ever again?"

"What? No no no of course I do! Wait I mean it was great but er-," Tamsin cut herself off by awkwardly laughing ,"Yeah i'm going to shush now."

Jace laughed at the effect that he had on the brunette ,"It's okay i'd want to kiss you again as well."

Her eyes went wide as she tried to find the right words to respond with but she couldn't find any. Jace smiled at her as he decided to make the next first move by kissing Tamsin lightly on the lips - it was a kiss that lasted no more than 2 seconds.

It was this point when Tamsin found it less awkward to now make eye contact with Jace and returned the favor by kissing him back again for no more than 2 seconds.
They did this back and forth a few times before eventually it went further on into developing into a full blown makeout session.

"Jace!" A high pitched voice said that was only suited to one redhead , rudely bursting into the room disrupting Jace and Tamsins private moment ,"I need to talk to you."

Clary noticed the position that Tamsin and Jace were in on his bed and a look of anger , jealousy and shock covered her face as she glared at Tamsin ,"I can see you're busy with a thing but it's really important."

"Excuse me but did you just refer to me as a thing?" Tamsin asked as she sat up and Jace got up to go put his shirt back on.

"Tamsin play nice," Jace commented sending her a warning look.

Tamsin stood up ,"I don't remember when I suddenly became a dog."

"Oh that was when you became a bitch and if you don't remember when that was it was when you was born," Clary remarked still giving Tamsin the evil eye.

"Tammy maybe you should go whilst I help Clary," Jace said.

"Are you actually being serious?" Tamsin shook her head in disbelief frowning ,"I cannot even believe you right now."

"Wait Tamsy I didn't mean -"

"Save it Jace and don't call me that either."
Tamsin left his room and was heading on her way out of the institute to leave but crashed into Izzy.

"Hey Tammy where are you going?" Izzy asked ,"I was just coming to find you Simons leaving and I thought you would want to stop him."

"Thanks Izzy but I think i'll catch upto him and join him," Tammy smiled at her and tried to continue walking but Izzy stopped her by grabbing  her arm.

"You're leaving too? Why? Has something happened?" Izzy asked growing concerned for her friend.

"I'm an idiot and I just want to leave i'm sorry Izzy."

"You have nowhere to go though so you can't leave," Izzy tried to think of as many reasons as she possibly could to stop her new found best friend from leaving her.

"I have my apartment that I was staying in and I have Simon who will probably let me stay with him so please don't worry Izzy , i'm going to miss you so much but it's best that I go I need to figure some stuff out ," Tamsin pulled Izzy into a hug as she said goodbye to her.

"If anything and I mean anything at all happens to you then call me straight away okay?"

"Okay Izzy i'll see you around I need to catch Simon," Tamsin lightly smiled as she started walking away but stopped for a second ,"Oh and Iz tell Alec i'm sorry."

Isabelle watched as Tamsin walked away from her and she felt her heart drop slightly. She had considered Tamsin to be the sister that she never had and now she was already leaving her.

Tammy made her way down to the entrance and by the time she got there Simon , Jace and Clary were all down there and it appeared that Simon was trying to fight with Jace and Clary was trying to stop it all and convince Simon to stay.

"Come at me bro!" Simon shouted at Jace and Tamsin hurried over to the trio and stood in the middle of Jace and Simon.

"Hey Si he's not worth it lets go," Tamsin said taking Simons hand to lead him out of the institute.

"Tammy oh thank god please tell me your not stupid enough to stay here and you'll leave this place with me?" Simon asked.

"I'm done here Si i'm not staying so i'm leaving with you," Tamsin said throwing a glare in Jaces direction before storming out of the institute.

Jace and Clary followed after them , Clary stopped Simon and Jace stopped Tamsin.

"Tammy i'm sorry okay ,do you remember what I promised you?" Jace asked.

"Of course I do but forget about it i'll do it myself you quite clearly have your priorities set out ," Tammy said blank of expression.

"You are a priority," Jace said with a pleading look in his eyes.

Tamsin sighed ,"no i'm not Jace , all you really seem to care about is Clary and ya know I kinda didn't think it'd hurt as much when I came second best to Clary again but I was wrong it just hurts even more."

"Don't say that Tamsin you know I care about you," Jace said.

"But just not enough," Tamsin started walking slowly over to where Simon was ,"Bye Jace i'll see you around."
Tammy took ahold of Simons hand as they walked further and further away from the institute and closer to the place that they thought of as being home.

Authors notes: hey sorry for the short chapter it's mainly just a filler but just wait till the next chapter and something pretty big gets revealed.
Thank you all as well for the support i've been getting on this story it means a lot :) remember to vote and comment to let me know your thoughts:)

Mundanes ~ ShadowhuntersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora