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It was 8am the next day and Tamsin could still remember the crazy events from just a few hours prior to the current time and she was hoping that it was just a bad dream and that everything would go back to normal.

She checked her phone and for once it was blank of notifications which was rather odd yet peaceful because she didn't have thousands of texts from Simon to reply to. It was peculiar that she hadn't heard from Simon - usually it's a battle getting him to shut up so it was probably safer to ring him and make sure everything was okay.

Surprisingly he picked up barely after the first ring ,"Tammy oh my gosh are you okay? You rushed away so quickly last night."

"So it wasn't a dream," Tamsin muttered lightly to herself whilst starting to go off into a bit of a trance.

"I have good news though I'm with Clary after you left last night that goth boy came to the entrance I imagine he was probably looking for you but he found me instead and now I can see the institute for what it really looks like and I met some of the others that live there as well they don't really get nicer but I did get to see Clary and i've been with her all night," Simon continued his story of how the rest of his night went and Tamsin didn't really pay much attention to him she just made a few noises down the phone every now and then to make it seem like she was agreeing with everything that he was saying but in reality she didn't hear a word of it.

"Si i'm going to have to cut you short I need to go to school," Just as she was about to hang up Simons voice was heard yet again.

"School? Why would you go there? You need to come back to the institute there's so much you need to know about yourself and Clary-"

"As you already know I don't give a damn about Clary so please just let me continue living my life the way it was before okay." Tamsin hung up after her final statement.

She had changed into her uniform for school and left to go and educate herself about the important things in life and hopefully take her mind off of thinking about what happened through the night.

Meanwhile , at the institute Simon was sat with Clary in the infirmary.
"Is she really not coming back here?" Clary asked.

"I doubt it she seems pretty hellbent in having nothing at all to do with this not that I can blame her I mean giving up a normal life to be one of these goth kids would be stupid," Simon was rambling off into one of his mini speeches again.

Clary narrowed her eyes at him ,"These 'goth kids' can help us I told you they're trying to help me get my memories back so I can find that cup and save my mom."
A heavy sigh escaped Simons lips ,"I know your doing all of this for your mom and I hope you know that i'll be by your side every step of the way till we get her back."

"And this is why you're my best friend," Clary smiled ,"and you always will be too." She pulled her best friend in for a hug completely oblivious to the fact that just being called 'best friend' and being put into the friend zone shattered Simons heart into pieces but as long as Clary was happy he would be too.

There bonding time was cut short when Jace entered the infirmary followed closely by the two stunningly attractive lightwood siblings.

"We have good news and bad news which news do you want first?" Isabelle , the youngest of the trio that had just entered , clasped her hands together with a wide smile prominent on her flawless face ,"Good news it is so we've managed to track a couple clave members and it looks like they're heading further away from the institute and they appear to be going in the direction of a school."

"Wait school? Which school?" Simons eyes widened as he instantly thought about how his conversation with Tamsin ended and she had said she was off to school.

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